

单词 consume
释义 consume /kənˈsjuːm/ vt.
1.(eat or drink)+ food, drink, calories, alcohol吃;喝

Many people experienced a drop in their cholesterol levels when they consumed oat bran.很多人食用燕麦麸后胆固醇水平降低了。

The type of alcohol consumed also contributes to the hangover.所饮酒水的类型也与宿醉有关。

serving chocolate ice-creams for the children to consume in the kitchen端上巧克力冰激凌让孩子们在厨房吃

2.(obsess)+ person使全神贯注;使入迷

His thinking got consumed by self doubt.他陷入自我怀疑。

The memories consumed him.他沉浸在回忆里。

3.(use up)+ fuel, energy, oxygen消耗;用尽

Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 per cent less electricity than traditional models.一些最节能的电冰箱的耗电量要比传统冰箱低70%。

plans which will consume hours of time and deplete your cash reserves花费若干小时并消耗备用金的计划

The kidney consumes oxygen at a high rate in order to produce energy.肾脏不停地消耗氧以产生能量。

4.<正式>(destroy by burning)+ building烧毁;毁灭

watching the slow, greenish flames consume and blacken the paper看着浅绿色的火焰慢慢烧上纸片, 把纸烧成黑色

the fire which consumed the dwelling烧毁寓所的那场大火

to be consumed by fire被火烧毁

The whole city was consumed by fire.整座城市付之一炬。

5.(destroy)disease +吞噬;毁灭

He fought against the cancer that was consuming his lungs.他与正在吞噬自己双肺的癌症进行抗争。

6.(absorb)+ book, film热衷于

As a teenager she consumed literature eagerly.年少的她对文学作品如痴如醉。

The fact remains that children are consuming more entertainment media than ever before.事实是, 孩子们比以往任何时候都喜欢娱乐媒体。





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