

单词 conquest
释义 conquest /ˈkɒnkwest; ˈkɒŋ-/ n.
1.(act of conquering)+of country, people征服;战胜;击败

He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939.1939年, 他指挥了攻占波兰南部的行动。

Negotiations are preferable to conquest.谈判比征服更可取。

2.(land conquered in war)征服的土地;占领地

He had realized that Britain could not have peace unless she returned at least some of her former conquests.他意识到除非英国至少归还一部分过去的占领地, 否则就会不得安宁。

3.(act of attracting person)(两性关系中的)征服, 俘虏

Despite his conquests, he remains lonely and isolated.尽管他曾多次俘获异性欢心, 但是仍旧落了个寂寞孤独。


Pushkin was a womaniser whose conquests included everyone from prostitutes to princesses.普希金是个情场老手, 被他征服的女人从妓女到公主, 无所不有。

5.+of problem, disease克服;攻克

The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years.遏制通货膨胀一直是政府近15年来压倒一切的首要经济问题。

the conquest of cancer攻克癌症





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