

单词 confidence
释义 confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ n.
1.(faith, certainty)信任;信赖;信心

This has contributed to the lack of confidence in the police.这加剧了人们对警方的不信任。

Clearly the war has had an impact on consumer confidence and corporate earnings.显然战争对消费者信心和企业盈利产生了冲击。

to have every confidence that…确信…;坚信…

I have every confidence that we can win.我确信我们能赢。

to have confidence in sb/sth信任某人∕某物

I have every confidence in you.我完全相信你。

with confidence满怀信心地

I can say with confidence that such rumours were totally groundless.我可以很有把握地说这种谣言完全没有根据。

to lose confidence in sb/sth对某人∕某物失去信心

The team has lost confidence in him as a coach.球队已经没有信心再让他当教练了。

Users had lost confidence in the system's reliability.用户对于系统的可靠性已经失去了信心。

to restore confidence恢复信心

The aim of the new party would be to restore confidence in government.新政党的目标是恢复对政府的信心。


The band is on excellent form and brimming with confidence.乐队状态极佳, 充满信心。

I always thought the worst of myself and had no confidence whatsoever.我总是把自己往最坏处想, 一点也没有自信。


It seemed like a betrayal of confidence.这好像是对信任的背叛。

I know he will never abuse my confidence.我知道他绝不会滥用我的信任。


Gregory shared confidences with Carmen.格雷戈里对卡门说了心里话。

5.in confidence
speak, write +私下地;秘密地

You can speak to your doctor in confidence.你可以私下里跟你的医生讲。

to tell sb sth in strict confidence严格保密地告诉某人某事

I'm telling you this in the strictest confidence.我现在告诉你的这件事情必须绝对保密。

6.motion of no confidence不信任动议

He is likely to face a motion of no confidence following the funding fiasco.在资助惨败后他很可能会面临不信任动议。

7.to take sb into your confidence向某人吐露秘密

If your daughter takes you into her confidence, don't rush off to tell your husband.如果女儿对你说了心里话, 不要急着告诉丈夫。

8.vote of no confidence不信任投票

The government survived an opposition vote of no confidence in parliament.政府挺过了反对党在议会发动的不信任投票。

The chairman has been ousted from his post by a unanimous vote of no confidence by the club's directors.董事长被俱乐部董事的一致不信任投票罢免。





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