

单词 confession
释义 confession /kənˈfeʃən/ n.
1.(to a crime)认罪书;坦白书;招供

We need some evidence, or a confession.我们需要一些证据, 或者是认罪书。

His confession is recorded on video tape.他的招供被记录在录像带上。

He has made a full confession.他全招了。

to sign a confession在供状上签字

They forced him to sign a confession.他们强迫他在供状上签字。

2.(to a weakness, failing)(对惭愧或尴尬之事的)承认

his confession that he had betrayed his wife他对背叛过妻子的承认

I have a confession to make.我有一件事情要坦白。

3.【宗】+of sins忏悔;告解

the personal confession of sins个人对罪过的忏悔

to hear sb's confession听某人告解
to go to/for confession去告解

He never went to Father Porter for confession again.他再也没有向波特神父作过告解。

to make your confession忏悔

She made her confession twice weekly.她每周忏悔两次。

4.confession of faith




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