

单词 concoction
释义 concoction /kənˈkɒkʃən/ n.
1.(mixture)+of food, ingredients, drugs调制物;调和物

She has to take a concoction of drugs.她必须服用一种混合调配的药。

Local specialities include a delicious concoction of spiced meat or fish, rice, and tomato.本地特色菜中包括一道由五香肉或鱼肉、大米以及西红柿调配的美味菜肴。

a concoction of chemicals化学制品的混合物

an odourless but lethal concoction一种无味但致命的调和物

2.(artistic, literary, verbal)混杂物;拼凑物

The movie is a brilliant concoction of American and Italian Western conventions.这部影片巧妙地把美国和意大利的西部电影传统糅合在一起。

The script was a ludicrous concoction of clichés from B-movies of the fifties.电影剧本将50年代廉价烂片中的老套台词荒唐可笑地拼凑在一起。


He publishes his findings in a strange language of his own concoction.他用一种自己杜撰的奇怪语言发表了研究结果。

4.(made-up story)编造的话;谎言

They had no option other than to bring this flimsy concoction to the Old Bailey.他们别无选择, 只好把这个漏洞百出的谎话带到了伦敦中央刑事法院上。

We are left wondering whether this bizarre concoction has all been a dream.我们最后只是疑惑这个离奇的骗局是否完全是一场梦。

Rumours soon began swirling that the two were romantically involved, but their 'relationship' was a media concoction.不久谣言就开始四处流传, 说他们两个在谈恋爱, 但他们的“恋爱关系”是媒体编造出来的。

She claimed she was the victim of a concoction of lies.她声称自己是一系列谎言的受害者。





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