

单词 communicate
释义 communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪˌkeɪt/
🄰 vt.
1.(by speech, writing)传授(知识);传递, 传达(思想、感情等)

They successfully communicate their knowledge to others.他们成功把自己的知识传播给了他人。

The results will be communicated to parents.结果会通知父母。

2.(transmit)+ feeling传递

The dog communicated his fear to the other animals.狗把恐惧情绪传递给了其他动物。

3.【医】+ disease传播;传染
🄱 vi.
1.(be in contact)交流;联系

They communicated in sign language.他们用手语沟通。

Anthony and I hadn't communicated for years.我和安东尼有好多年没有联络了。

to communicate with sb与某人交流;与某人联系

My natural mother has never communicated with me.我的生母从未和我联系过。

Officials of the CIA depend heavily on electronic mail to communicate with each other.中情局的官员们相互联络主要靠电子邮件。

2.(be communicative)交际;交往

We need considerate individuals who can communicate and work in a team.我们需要考虑周到、能在团队里交流协作的人。

to communicate with sb与某人沟通思想

He was never good at communicating with the players.他一向不善于同队员们沟通。


A second vertical passage communicated with the horizontal passage.另一条纵向通道与这条横向通道相通。

4.【宗】church member +领受圣餐
5.【宗】priest +主持圣餐礼




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