

单词 commission
释义 commission¹ /kəˈmɪʃən/ n.
1.(order for work)委托之事;职责;任务

He approached John Wexley with a commission to write the screenplay of the film.他接洽了约翰•韦克斯利, 委托他创作这部电影的剧本。

Our china can be bought off the shelf or by commission.我们的陶瓷制品既可现货购买, 也可委托制作。

2.<正式>(authority to carry something out)所授之权;权限
3.<正式>(document granting authority)委托书

Just a few days ago, I finished a commission.就在几天前我才完成了一部委托作品。

5.+of salesperson回扣;提成

I get 10% commission.我得10%的提成。

They get commission on top of their basic salary.他们除基本工资外还有提成。

to work on commission工作得提成

Salesmen work on commission.销售人员根据销售额获得提成。


He also got a commission for bringing in new clients.他因拉到新客户还获得了酬金。

Travel agents charge 1 per cent commission on sterling cheques.旅行社对英镑支票收取1%的服务费。

7.【军】+of officer职位;职衔

Colonel Mitchell resigned his commission in 1959.1959年米切尔中校辞去了军职。

He accepted a commission as a naval officer.他接受委任成为海军军官。

9.(group, committee)(承担某些职责的)委员会
a commission of enquiry调查委员会

The authorities have been asked to set up a commission to investigate the murders.当局被要求成立一个委员会对这些谋杀事件展开调查。

10.【政】(agency)(具有行政、司法或立法职能的)机构, 部门, 委员会

the Press Complaints Commission媒体申诉委员会

11.【商】(to act as agent)代理商;经纪人

The commission of Christ's ministers extends to every creature throughout the world.基督教牧师对全世界的每个生灵都负有职责。

13.<正式>+of sin, crime犯(罪)

If a person uses a gun in the commission of a crime, then he should be given an additional penalty.如果有人持枪犯罪的话, 那么就应该从重处罚他。

14.<正式>(crime, sin)罪;罪行
15.<美>(in local government)(市政府各部门的)行政长官, 负责人
16.to be out of commission(舰只等)不能使用, 退出现役

The operator expects the ship to be out of commission until the end of September.营运商估计, 九月底之前该船无法使用。

commission² /kəˈmɪʃən/
🄰 vt.
1.to commission sb to do sth
(pay to do)授权(或委任、托付)某人做某事

You can commission them to paint something especially for you.你可以委托他们专门为你绘制画作。

Brook commissioned a couple of dramatists to write a play for him.布鲁克委托几名剧作家为他撰写一个剧本。

They have been commissioned to build one warship with the option for another.他们受托建造一艘军舰, 并可选择再造一艘。


The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming.农业部委托进行低投入型耕作的研究。

These pieces were commissioned by Queen Victoria.这些物件是维多利亚女王订购的。

specially commissioned reports特别委托撰写的报告

to commission sth from sb委托某人做某事
3.【军】(make an officer)任命;授衔
to be commissioned as被任命为…

He was commissioned as second lieutenant in the Air Force.他被授予空军少尉军衔。

He was commissioned as an RAF pilot on 10 March 1945.1945年3月10日他被任命为皇家空军飞行员。

4.(put into operation)开始使用;使投入使用
to commission a power station将发电站投入使用
5.【海】+ ship使准备服现役;使编入现役
🄱 vi.

The plant is due to commission next year.这座工厂计划明年投产。





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