

单词 command
释义 command¹ /kəˈmɑːnd/ n.

They waited for their master's command.他们等待主人的指示。

The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop.这辆油罐车没有按照命令停下来。

I closed my eyes at his command.我按照他的指示闭上了眼睛。

2.(peremptory quality)命令性
the note of command in his voice他说话声中那种命令的口吻

the British Forces under his command在他麾下的英国军队

a small garrison under the command of Major James Craig.由詹姆斯•克雷格少校率领的卫戍小队

military leader +担任统帅
+ troops, ship指挥…;统领…

He had been in command of HMS Churchill for nearly a year.他指挥过英国皇家海军舰艇“丘吉尔”号将近一年。

+ forces统率…;指挥…

Monty took command of the Eighth Army on August 13.蒙蒂8月13日开始统领陆军第八军。

Mr Baker would take command of the campaign.贝克先生将担任此次运动的负责人。


a good command of spoken English对英语口语的熟练掌握

His command of English was excellent.他精通英语。

a singer with a natural command of melody天生乐感很好的歌手

6.command of sth

the struggle for command of the air对制空权的争夺

Whoever was waiting for them there had command of the situation.在那里等候他们的人已经控制住了局面。

7.缩写为Cd【军】(unit)(英国皇家空军等的)司令部, 指挥部

The army's supreme command has said the army will withdraw.陆军最高司令部声称部队行将撤退。

There would continue to be a joint command of U.S. and Saudi forces operating within Saudi borders.美国和沙特部队在沙特阿拉伯境内的军事行动将继续由联合指挥部指挥。

the Strategic Air Command战略空军指挥部

8.(royal invitation)君王的邀请

She was invited to Sandringham by royal command.她受女王邀请前往桑德灵厄姆。

to be in commandorto be in command of yourself大方自如;从容不迫

Nixon looked comfortable and in command.尼克松看起来悠然自得, 从容不迫。

The man appeared to be in complete command of himself.那个男子显得泰然自若。

In times of currency crisis, interest rates can be raised as a sign that a government is in command.货币危机发生时, 政府可以加息以显示其仍旧掌控着局面。

to have sth at your command<正式>对(技能)运用自如;可充分利用(资源)

a writer who has both elegance and passion at his command文风优雅且富有激情的作家

He came from the Sudan without a word of English at his command.他来自苏丹, 对英文一窍不通。

The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command.国家应当有权运用一切合法手段保卫自身安全。

command² /kəˈmɑːnd/
🄰 vt.

'Get in your car and follow me,' he commanded.“上你自己的车, 跟在我后面。”他命令道。

He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land.他下令修建道路, 将各地的城堡连通起来。

to command sb to do sth命令某人做某事

She commanded me to lie down and relax.她命令我躺下放松。

He commanded his troops to attack.他命令部队发起进攻。


He commanded a regiment of cavalry in Algiers.他指挥过驻阿尔及尔的一个骑兵团。

the French general who commands the U.N. troops in the region统率该地区联合国部队的那名法国将军


The Royal Navy would command the seas.皇家海军将控制此海域。

Yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea.也门控制着红海南端的海峡。


The campaign commanded support from all sides.这一运动获得了各方支持。

There is no limit to what can be achieved here because of the fantastic support we command.由于赢得了极大的支持, 我们将无往不胜。


His later work certainly commands respect.他后期的工作当然值得钦佩。

He's an excellent physician who commanded the respect of all his colleagues.他是一位优秀的内科医生, 理应受到所有同事的尊敬。

6.to command a view of sth俯临, 俯瞰(景观等)

a point of rock, from which we could command a view of the loch可以俯瞰湖光水色的岩角

🄱 vi.

He didn't just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles.他不仅担任过指挥官, 还在好几次激烈的战役中亲自上阵杀敌。





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