

单词 collect
释义 collect¹ /kəˈlekt/ n.
collect² /kəˈlekt/ n.
collect³ /kəˈlekt/ adj.

She received a collect phone call from Alaska.她接到了一个从阿拉斯加打来的被叫方付费电话。

collect⁴ /kəˈlekt/
🄰 vt.
1.(accumulate)+ information, evidence聚集;收集
(gather up, pick up)收集起;集拢;拾起

water tanks which collect rainwater from the house roof从屋顶收集雨水的水箱

1.5 million signatures have been collected.已经采集到了150万个签名。

The teacher collected the exercise books.老师将练习册收了上去。

They collect the rubbish twice a week.他们每周收两次垃圾。

Two young girls were collecting firewood.两位年轻的女孩子正在拾柴。

She used to go for long walks collecting birds' eggs.她以往常常走得很远去采集鸟蛋。

2.(as a hobby)搜集, 收藏(邮票、书等)

Do you collect antiques?你收集古董吗?

3.company, debt-collector ++ debts, taxes收缴

The main part of his work was collecting debts.他的主要工作是收取欠款。

4.(regain control of emotions)使(自己)镇静;控制(自己的感情等)
to collect your thoughts整理思绪

Ric paused to collect his thoughts.里克停了一下整理思绪。

to collect yourself镇定下来

She paused for a moment to collect herself.她停了一会儿, 以使自己镇定下来。

5.<英>(go to get)+ money取到;拿到;+ person接;迎;+ prize领取;postman ++ mail取出;+ donations, subscriptions募集;+ tokens, signatures搜集;收集

She had just collected her pension from the post office.她刚刚在邮局领取了养老金。

After collecting the cash, the kidnapper managed to escape.收到现金后, 绑架者成功逃脱。

Their mother collects them from school.母亲从学校接他们。

One of them had still not come forward to collect their prize.他们中还有一人尚未前来领奖。

How much money have you collected so far?你至今已筹集了多少钱?

All you have to do is collect the tokens and exchange them for free books.你所要做的事情就是收集代金券, 换取免费图书。

mail +被收取

The mail is collected twice a day.邮件每天收取两次。

6.(receive large amount)获得(可观收益)
7.(collide with)与…相撞
🄱 vi.
1.(accumulate)dust, dirt +沉积;积聚
(make a collection)筹款:

There are certain places where a lot of dust collects.某些地方积聚了很多灰尘。

Methane gas does collect in the mines around here.甲烷气体在这里的矿井中积聚。

They're collecting for charity.他们在为慈善事业筹款。

2.people +获得大笔收益
3.collect on delivery<美>=cash on delivery
Phrasal Verbcollect up
collect⁵ /kəˈlekt/ adv.

telephone calls placed collect or billed to a third number由受话人或第三方付费的电话

I'd like to make the call collect.我想拨打被叫方付费电话。

to call collect拨打对方付费电话

Should you lose your ticket, call collect on STA's helpline.万一您遗失了票据, 请拨打被叫方付费的STA热线电话。





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