

单词 cold
释义 cold¹ /kəʊld/ n.

Why don't you come in out of the cold?外面这么冷, 你为什么不进来?

I can't stand the cold.我不能忍受严寒。


His feet were blue with cold.他的脚冻得发紫。


Her cold was better.她感冒好些了。

to have a cold患感冒

I have got a bad cold.我患了重感冒。

to catch (a) cold感冒;着凉

Let's dry our hair so we don't catch cold.我们把头发弄干吧, 这样就不会感冒。

idiomdiv class="sense">to be left out in the cold
person, group, country +被冷落;被忽视

Developing countries might be left out in the cold in current world trade talks.在目前的世界贸易洽谈中, 发展中国家可能会受到冷落。

catch a cold<俚>亏损;投资受损
from cold未事先通知
out in the cold<非正式>被冷落的;被忽视的
cold² /kəʊld/ adj.
1.符号为C(physically)寒冷的;+ substance冷的;冰凉的;+ place, atmosphere气温低的;+ person感觉冷的

Rinse the vegetables under cold running water.用凉的自来水冲洗这些蔬菜。

He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold.他想来杯不冷不热的茶。

The building was cold and draughty.这幢房子很冷, 穿堂风很大。

It was bitterly cold.天冷得刺骨。

I was freezing cold.我快冻僵了。

I'm hungry, I'm cold and I've nowhere to sleep.我饥寒交迫, 而且连睡觉的地方都没有。

person +感觉冷
2.(insufficiently warm)不够热的;凉的

Your dinner's getting cold.你的饭快凉了。

3.(to be eaten without heating)冷吃的;凉吃的
cold meats冷肉

What a cold, unfeeling woman she was.她真是个冷酷无情的女人!

'Send her away,' Eve said in a cold, hard voice.“把她打发走。”伊芙用冷酷生硬的语气说。

cold logic客观的推理
7.(sexually unresponsive)缺乏性欲的;性冷淡的
8.(not fresh)不新鲜的;陈旧的;已变淡的

He could follow a cold trail over hard ground and even over stones.他能循着地面上甚至是石头上留下的淡淡痕迹展开追踪。

10.(of colours)冷色调的

Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede.通常, 绘画中暖色调为近感色, 而冷色调为远感色。

the cold blue light from a streetlamp街灯发出的幽幽蓝光

12.(of a process)(工序)冷的, 不加热的
cold typesetting冷排

cold technology冷工艺

13.<非正式>(of a seeker)远离目标的
cold mailing
cold steel(刺刀或匕首等)冷兵器
to get cold feet about sth对…临阵畏缩

David Chalmers got cold feet about the marriage.戴维•查默斯面对结婚临阵退缩了。

I hope he's not getting cold feet about seeing me.我希望他不会害怕见到我。

in cold blood无情地;蓄意地;残忍地
leave sb cold<非正式>没有打动某人;未能引起某人的兴趣

The performance left me cold.我感到演出很乏味。

Lawrence is one of those writers who either excite you enormously or leave you cold.劳伦斯是那种要么让人激动不已, 要么让人觉得索然无味的作家。

out cold失去知觉的;沉睡的

She was out cold but still breathing.她昏迷不醒, 但仍有呼吸。

to pour cold water onorto throw cold water on<非正式>对…泼冷水;不支持
cold³ /kəʊld/ adv.
1.(without preparation)毫无准备地

He played his part cold.他出演前毫无准备。


She turned him down cold.她彻底拒绝了他。





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