

单词 clock
释义 clock¹ /klɒk/ n.
1.(device for telling the time)钟;时钟

The hands of the clock on the wall moved with a slight click.墙上时钟的指针移动时发出轻轻的咔嗒声。

the ticking of the clock时钟的嘀嗒声

See alsoalarm clock

The car had 160,000 miles on the clock.里程表显示这辆汽车已行驶了16万英里。

At 240 mph the needle went off the clock.在速度达到每小时240英里时, 指针爆表了。

3.(dandelion head)蒲公英的绒球
4.【电子】(steady electrical circuit)时钟电路
5.【计】(pulse generator)时钟脉冲发生器
6.【时装】(ornamental design)(袜子上的)边花
against the clock
(under pressure)争分夺秒地;抢时间地

It's now become a race against the clock.现在成了和时间在赛跑。

【马术】(while a clock is recording)用秒表计时地

The last round will be against the clock.最后一圈将用秒表计时。

around the clockorround the clock日夜不停地;连续24小时地

Rescue services have been working around the clock to free stranded motorists.救援部门在昼夜不停地解救被困的司机。

to beat the clock提前完成任务

Most diplomats are constantly trying to beat the clock to the next official engagement.大多数外交官都在不断地争分夺秒, 以便赶往下一个正式会见。

to put/turn the clock backorto put/turn back the clock使时光倒流;倒退;退回到过去

In some ways we wish we could turn the clock back.在某些方面, 我们希望可以回到过去。

We cannot put back the clock.我们无法让时光倒流。

to watch the clock盯着钟表(常指因厌烦而盼着某事尽早结束)

I started to watch the clock about halfway through the class.课大约上到一半时, 我就开始不停地看时间。

clock² /klɒk/ vt.
1.(record something)记录…的时间;为…计时;(尤指)为…测速

The yacht was clocking speeds of 17 knots at times.这艘快艇有时航速达到17节。

He has been clocked at 11 seconds for 100 metres.他100米跑了11秒。


He tapped me on the shoulder and I clocked him.他拍我的肩膀, 然后我揍了他。


If there was any scandal in that company, you can be sure that Bobby will have clocked it.如果那家公司有丑闻的话, 你放心, 博比肯定会注意到的。

4.+ digital device为(电子设备)馈入时钟脉冲
Phrasal Verbsclock in,clock off,clock on,clock out,clock up




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