

单词 clear up
释义 clear up
🄰 vi.
1.(of weather)weather +放晴;fog, mist +消散

I think it's going to clear up.我想天气就要放晴了。

2.(of illness)rash, infection +治愈;痊愈

It was only a minor infection and it cleared up in a week.这只是一次轻微的感染, 一周就痊愈了。

Acne often clears up after the first three months of pregnancy.怀孕三个月后, 粉刺常常会自动消失。

3.(tidy up)person +清理;收拾

After breakfast they played while I cleared up.早餐后, 他们玩耍, 我收拾东西。

🄱 vt. sep.
1.(tidy up)to clear sth up or to clear up sth
+ mess, untidy place清理;收拾

Go and clear up your room.去收拾你的房间。

2.(make known or resolved)to clear sth up or to clear up sth
+ mystery揭开;解决;解答

During dinner the confusion was cleared up: they had mistaken me for Kenny.晚饭时困惑消除了:原来他们误以为我是肯尼。

I'm assuming that the misunderstanding will be cleared up soon.我在想误会会很快消除的。

3.(heal)to clear sth up or to clear up sth根除, 治愈(疾病)

Antibiotics should be used to clear up the infection.应该用抗生素来消除感染。





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