

单词 claw
释义 claw¹ /klɔː/ n.
1.【解剖】(horny vertebrate growth)+of animal爪(子)

That cat is always sharpening its claws on the chairs.那只猫老是在椅子上磨爪子。

2.【解剖】(horny invertebrate growth)+of lobster螯;钳;螯爪

She cracked a lobster's claw and hooked out some of the flesh.她将龙虾的螯敲开, 勾出一些虾肉来。

3.(clawlike thing)爪状物;爪形部件;(尤指)指甲

She should take her claws out of Tom and let him get on with his life.她不该死死缠着汤姆, 应该让他继续自己的生活。

4.【植】(part of plant)(某些花瓣和萼片的)瓣爪
claw² /klɔː/
🄰 vt.
1.(scratch)(用爪子等)抓, 撕, 挖

They rolled in front of him, clawed the ground, sniffed excitedly under his tail.它们在它面前打滚, 爪子挠着地面, 在它尾巴下面兴奋地嗅来嗅去。

The Dunfermline keeper hurled himself across his goal to claw the ball to safety.邓弗姆林队的门将在球门前侧身跃起, 把球稳稳地抓住。

to claw your way抓着东西艰难向前

Some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck.的确有人设法抓住铁梯费力爬上了安全的顶层甲板。

Gino clawed his way out of underworld obscurity to become a millionaire hotelier.吉诺从底层社会的无名之辈一路摸爬滚打, 奋发成为身家百万的酒店老板。

2.(make by scratching)抓出;抠出

George stands on his hind legs, clawing holes in the screen.乔治用后腿直立起来, 爪子在屏风上抓出一个个洞。

🄱 vi.
(用爪子等)抓, 撕, 挖

Television images showed people desperately clawing through mud to reach friends and loved ones under the mass of earth.电视画面显示, 人们拼命在烂泥中向前挖, 去营救被埋在大堆泥土下的朋友和亲人。

Phrasal Verbsclaw at,claw back,claw off




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