

单词 circulation
释义 circulation /ˌsɜːkjʊˈleɪʃən/ n.
1.【生理】+of blood循环

He jumped up and down to get the circulation going.他跳上跳下, 让血液循环起来。

Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.心、肺、血液循环有问题的人在乘坐飞机前应咨询医生。

cold spots in the fingers caused by poor circulation血液循环不畅引起的手指局部感觉冰凉

2.【植】(植物内的)液流, 循环

The rate of sap circulation decreases during the winter.汁液的流动速度冬天会下降。

3.(movement through closed circuit)循环;流动

a refrigeration system with closed circuit circulation闭路循环的制冷系统

4.(spreading, transmission)流通;散播

the principle of free circulation of goods货物自由流通的原则

5.(free movement)(空气、水)环流, 流通

The north pole is warmer than the south and the circulation of air around it is less well contained.北极比南极温暖一点, 周围空气的流通更通畅。

6.+of newspaper发行

Japan's largest mass circulation daily newspaper日本发行量最大的日报


The local paper had a circulation of only six thousand.这份当地报纸的发行量只有6,000份。

The Daily News once had the highest circulation of any daily in the country.《每日新闻》的发行量曾位居这个国家所有日报之首。

8.(book loan)(图书馆的)图书出借

The library reserves the right to deny circulation of any item determined to be fragile or difficult to replace.对于任何被认定为易损或难以替代的书目, 图书馆有权不予外借。

9.(loan transaction)(某一本图书的)外借次数, 出借记录

This table represents popular teen fiction with at least 15 or more circulations.这个表格显示了外借15次及以上的流行青少年小说。

10.(total issue of books)(图书馆的)图书流通量

The Queens Library said that its circulation for the fiscal year was 22.8 million.皇后图书馆称其本财政年的图书流通量为2,280万册。

11.in circulation
(of money,etc.)(货币等)在流通的

The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight.流通领域的货币供应量在一夜间陡然下降。

a society like America, with perhaps 180 million guns in circulation像美国这样可能有1.8亿支枪流散在外的社会

(of person)(人)参加社交活动的, 交际的

She's now back in circulation.她现在重新参加社交活动了。

12.out of circulation
(of money, etc.)(货币等)不再流通的

the decision to take 50 and 100 ruble bills out of circulation让面值为50和100卢布的纸币退出流通的决定

(of person)(人)不参与社交活动的, 不交际的

Political trials were being used to keep prominent activists out of circulation.当时用了政治审判使一些著名活动家从公众视线中消失。

I had been out of circulation for a month and knew that many friends would be there.我已经有一个月没有参加社交活动了, 不过我知道许多朋友会去参加的。

13.withdraw sth from circulation
(of money, etc.)使某物不再流通

The one and two cent coins were withdrawn from circulation in 1991.一美分和两美分的硬币从1991年起就不再流通了。





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