

单词 chip
释义 chip¹ /tʃɪp/ n.

I had fish and chips in a cafe.我在咖啡馆吃了炸鱼薯条。

a portion of chips一份炸薯条


a package of onion-flavored potato chips一包洋葱味薯片

3.(small piece, slice)食物薄片

It contains real chocolate chips.它里面有真正的巧克力薄片。


Their job is to hammer the rough blocks into smaller chips.他们的工作就是把粗糙的木块劈成小块。


It's the only mug we've got that hasn't got a chip in it.这是我们唯一一个没有缺口的大杯子。

7.(representing money)筹码

He put the pile of chips in the centre of the table and drew a card.他把那一堆筹码放在桌子中央, 然后抓了一张牌。

8.(in negotiation)(讨价还价的)筹码

He was not expected to be released because he was considered a valuable chip in this game.他不可能获得释放, 因为他在这场游戏中被视为非常有价值的筹码。

9.【体】(lofted shot)传高球;短切球
10.(for making hats, baskets)编织条(用于编织帽子、篮子等的细木条或稻草)
to be cheap as chips<英,非正式>价格低廉;物有所值
to be a chip off the old block<非正式>(like mother)酷似母亲

She was a chip off the old block, with the same carefree nature as her mother.她同她的母亲一样, 生性无忧无虑。

(like father)酷似父亲

Lewis is a chip off the old block, a hothead and a bully just like his dad.刘易斯酷似他的父亲, 性格暴躁, 横行霸道。

to have a chip on your shoulder<非正式>心怀怨恨;愤愤不平
to have a chip on your shoulder about sth对…感到愤愤不平, 对…心怀怨恨

He had this chip on his shoulder about my mum and dad thinking that they're better than him.我的父母亲认为他们比他优秀, 他为此心中愤愤不平。

to have had your chips<英,非正式>被打败;被处死;被杀死;完蛋

He's had his chips.他完蛋了。

when the chips are down<非正式>在危机时刻;在关键时刻

It's difficult to tell who is 'average' and who is not until the chips are down.只有到关键时刻才能区分出谁“一般”, 谁不一般。

chip² /tʃɪp/(chips,chipping,chipped)
🄰 vt.

He put down his glass of whisky so hard that he chipped the glass.他放下威士忌酒杯时用力太大, 把杯子磕掉了一块。

2.(break in pieces)打碎;切碎

He used an axe to chip the ice.他用了斧头将冰敲碎。

3.(shape by chipping)凿;削
4.(loft)+ ball短切(球);高踢(球)

Chip your pet.将芯片植入你的宠物体内。

🄱 vi.

Steel baths are lighter but chip easily.钢制浴缸更轻, 但容易破损。

Phrasal Verbschip at,chip away,chip away at,chip in,chip off




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