

单词 chime
释义 chime¹ /tʃaɪm/ n.
1.(one bell or its sound)+of bell钟;钟声

At that moment a chime sounded from the front of the house.那一刻, 前屋响起了钟声。

The ceremony started as the chimes of midnight struck.午夜的钟声响起时, 仪式开始举行。

The grandfather clock gave off its hourly chime.这个落地式大摆钟敲响整点的钟声。

I ignored the next doorbell chime, and the one after that.门铃响了第二下, 之后又响了一下, 我都没有理会。

the haunting sound of the wind chimes萦绕于耳畔的风铃声

2.(ringing machinery)敲钟装置
3.(percussion instrument)编钟;排钟
4.(ringing sound)和谐的声音;清脆响亮的声音
the chimes of children's laughter孩子们清脆悦耳的笑声
6.【酿酒】(edge of cask)桶缘;桶边
chime² /tʃaɪm/
🄰 vi.

He heard the front doorbell chime.他听见前门门铃响了。


The president's remarks do not entirely chime with those coming from American and British politicians.总统的言论与美国、英国政客们所持的观点并不完全一致。

3.(speak musically)以悦耳的声音说话(或朗诵)

'Please press hash to continue,' the voice chimed.“请按#号键继续。”发出悦耳的提示音。

🄱 vt.
1.(sound a bell)敲(钟);响(铃)
2.(produce sounds)敲钟(奏乐);敲钟(发声)
3.(show hours)通过敲钟报(时)

The ship's clock on the wall above her desk chimed four bells.她桌边墙面上的船钟响了四次。

The clock chimed three o'clock.三点的钟声敲响了。

4.(summon with bells)敲钟召集(或宣告、欢迎)

His laptop chimed the arrival of new e-mail messages every little while.他的笔记本电脑时不时响铃, 提示他有新邮件。

Phrasal Verbchime in




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