

单词 check
释义 check¹ /tʃek/
🄰 vt.
1.(examine, investigate)核对;检查;查看;注意

I'll check the time of the train.我会核对火车时刻的。

To check her temperature, feel the back of her neck.要查她的体温, 就摸摸她颈背。

I checked his figures against the government report.我对比着政府的报告核对了他给的数字。

Check your change before leaving the shop.离开商店前看一下找零对不对。

She hadn't checked whether she had a clean ironed shirt.她事先并没有看自己有没有一件熨好的干净衬衫。

He checked that he had his room key.他注意到自己带着房门的钥匙。

We had our passports and visas checked.有人检查了我们的护照和签证。

to check the oil检查油箱

Could you check the oil, please?你能看看还有多少油吗?

to check your email查看电子邮件
2.【烹】+ seasoning尝尝…的咸淡

Stir in the mustard and mint and check the seasoning.把芥末和薄荷搅拌进去, 然后尝尝味道调得如何。

3.<正式>(slow down)遏制;延迟

The destruction of the bridge checked the enemy's advance.破坏那座桥阻碍了敌人前进。

Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS.人们还期待性教育能对阻止艾滋病蔓延有所帮助。


Mrs Hochstadt, who hated to see litter, had to check an impulse to run after it and pick it up.霍克施塔特太太讨厌看到乱丢垃圾, 可她只得忍住冲动, 没有追上去把那东西捡起来。

He was about to lose his temper but checked himself in time.他差点要发火, 不过还是及时忍住了。


Most of those surveyed checked answer (b).多数的受调查者选择了答案(b)。


He was about to retrace his steps when some instinct checked him.他正要往回走, 突然某种直觉使他止步。

A free press will check corruption by ensuring total transparency in government.新闻自由将通过确保政府工作完全透明, 阻止腐败。

7.<美>+ bags托运

We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage and wandered around the gift shops.我们到了机场托运完行李后, 到礼品店闲逛。

8.<美,加拿大,新西兰>(leave in cloakroom)+ coat, bag寄存
9.【棋】+ king将死
10.(mark with pattern)在…上印(或标)上格子图案

I was checked sternly at the first word.我一开口就受到严责。

12.【细木工艺】(cause to crack)使(家具)开裂;使(家具)龟裂
13.【冰】+ opponent阻截
🄱 vi.
1.(find out)核对;检查;查看

I'll check when I go back next week.我下周回去后会查一查。

I think there's an age limit, but I'd have to check.我觉得有年龄的限制, 不过得查一下。

to check with sb与某人商量(或核对)

He needed a chance to check with Hooper to see if his theory was plausible.他要找个机会和胡珀讨论讨论, 看看他的理论是否有理。

I shall need to check with the duty officer.我需要与值勤警官核对一下。

2.(look carefully)仔细检查

You should check to make sure your equipment is in good order.你应该检查一下, 确保你的设备工作正常。

to check to see if检查…是否

At the end of the year we check to see if your tax is right.在岁末我们检查一下你的纳税是否正确。


This report checks with the other.这份报告与另外一份是一致的。

5.【猎】hounds +(因臭迹中断而)站住
6.【猎】hawk +(猎鹰训练时在飞行中)更换猎物
8.【细木工艺】(crack)(家具)开裂, 龟裂
to check the helm【海】稳舵
Phrasal Verbscheck in,check into,check off,check on,check out,check out of,check over,check up
check² /tʃek/ n.
1.+of time, details, temperature核对;检查;查看
a check on sth对…的检查

He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure.正在通过定期测量他的血压, 对他的情况进行持续的监测。

a check for sth对…的检查

The doctor carried out a check for abdominal pain.医生对腹部疼痛进行检查。

to make a check做检查

He made a metal check of everything he was carrying.他在脑子里把自己带的东西过了一遍。

The pilot made some last minute checks on the instrument panel.飞行员在临起飞前最后检查一遍仪表盘。

to keep a check on sb/sth密切关注某人/某事

We'll have to keep a check on how much we've spent.我们得注意我们花了多少钱。

2.+of passport, ticket检查;查看
See alsosecurity check

Can we have the check, please?结账!

He waved to a waiter and got the check.他招呼服务员拿到了账单。

to write a check开支票
a check to sth对某事的抑制

a check to the forward impetus of the invasion阻止侵略的向前推进


Styles include stripes and checks.式样包括条纹和格子图案。

8.(single square)(图案上的)一格

a green jacket with sky-blue checks带天蓝色格子图案的绿色夹克衫

11.<美,加拿大>(for coat, bag)寄物牌;(外衣、手提袋等的)存放证
13.【细木工艺】(in wood)(家具)裂缝, 裂口, 裂纹
14.+of piano(钢琴榔头)制动
16.【猎】(pause)(猎犬因臭迹中断的)停住, 站住
17.【渔】+of fishing reel(防倒转的)棘齿
18.【冰】(with body or stick)(用身体或球杆)阻截
to hold sth in checkorto keep sth in check控制(或抑制)某物

Life on Earth will become unsustainable unless population growth is held in check.如不控制人口增长, 地球上的生命将无法持续。

in check受控制;受抑制
check³ /tʃek/ adj.

a red and white check dress一条红白格子裙

check⁴ /tʃek/缩写为ch. interj.

Bishop to king's knight five, check.象走王翼马五, 将军。





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