

单词 charge
释义 charge¹ /tʃɑːdʒ/
🄰 vt.
1.(ask a price of)+ sum, amount收取;索要;+ person向…开价;向…收费

They charged fifty cents admission.入场费他们收了50分。

Even local nurseries charge £100 a week.即便是本地托儿所一周也要收费100英镑。

The majority of stalls charged a fair price.多数摊位收费公道。

He won't charge you unless he sells your property.他不会向你收费的, 除非他出售了你的房产。

How much do you charge?你开价多少?

to charge sb for sth向某人收取…的费用

The hospitals charge the patients for every aspirin.医院的每一片阿司匹林都要向病人收费的。

They charged us £50 for the meal.他们收了我们50英镑餐费。

How much do you charge for this repair?修理的费用是多少?

+ amount向某人收取

He charged me £18.他收了我18英镑。

How much did he charge you?他收了你多少钱?

to charge sb rent向某人收租金

I won't charge you rent.我不收你的租金。

to charge £10 an hour每小时收费10英镑

She offers individual counselling sessions, for which she charges £40 an hour.她提供个人咨询服务, 收费是每小时40英镑。

person +被收费

These young women are being charged a lot of money.这些年轻女人正在被收取大量费用。

to charge an expense to sborto charge an expense to sb's account把费用记在某人账上(或名下)

All transactions have been charged to your account.所有的交易费用都记到了你的账上。

Go out and buy a pair of glasses, and charge it to us.出去买付眼镜, 费用记在我们名下。

Should we charge the meal to your room, madam?这顿饭的费用要不要记在您的房费中, 太太?


They have the evidence to charge him.他们有证据控告他。

The police must either charge her or let her go.警方要么指控她要么释放她。

to charge sb with sth指控某人犯某罪

The police have charged him with murder.警方指控他犯有谋杀罪。

He charged the minister with lying about the economy.他指责部长在经济问题上撒了谎。

4.(attack)+ enemy冲向;猛攻

They received an order to charge enemy positions.他们接到命令向敌人阵地发起攻击。

5.(give responsibility to)责成;使承担任务(或责任)
to charge sb to do sth责成某人做某事

I was charged to take the message to headquarters.我受命将消息送到总部。

I have no option but to charge you strictly to say nothing about it.我别无选择, 只能责令你严守秘密。

to charge sb with sth使某人承担…

I have been charged with overseeing the clean-up operation.我承担了监督清扫作业的任务。

6.【律】(address authoritatively)(法官)对(陪审团)作指示
to charge a jury对陪审团作指示
7.【电】(fill with electricity)+ battery使充电
8.+ gun为…装弹药

Early firearms took many seconds to charge.早期的枪支装弹要花费好几秒钟。

9.(fill)+ glass, receptacle使注满

The waiters went around charging people's glasses ready for the toast.侍者们走来走去为大家准备干杯的酒杯斟满酒。

The battery cells have to be charged with acid.蓄电池中必须注满酸液。

10.【化】(by solution or absorption)使充满
to charge sth with sth使某物中充满某物

water charged with carbon dioxide充入二氧化碳的水

11.(fill with emotion)使饱含
to be charged with sth充满某种情感

The atmosphere was charged with excitement.气氛极为热烈。

His voice was charged with emotion.他的声音中饱含深情。

13.【纹章】(paint with a charge)+ shield用图记装饰
🄱 vi.
1.(attack)cavalry +冲锋;bull, rhinoceros +向前冲

The cavalry charged.骑兵发起冲锋。

The colonel gave the order to charge.上校下令冲锋。

Luckily, the rhinoceros didn't charge.幸运的是, 那头犀牛没有冲过来。


Dad charged along in front.爸爸冲在最前面。

Mike was charging around all day trying to get things organized.迈克整天东奔西跑, 想把事情安排妥当。

She charged off to the bedroom.她猛地冲向卧室。

He went charging off down the street.他顺着这条街快步走去。

He charged through the door to my mother's office.他冲出门跑向我母亲的办公室。

3.(ask for payment)收费;要价

Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance.一些银行会对登录账号查询余额进行收费。

4.【电】(to take in electricity)battery, phone +充电

I left my phone to charge overnight.我给手机充了一晚上的电。

5.【猎】(lie down)hunting dog +听从命令蹲伏
Phrasal Verbscharge down,charge up
charge² /tʃɑːdʒ/缩写为chg. n.

increases in postal and telephone charges邮政和电话费用的增长

We can arrange this for a small charge.我们能够安排好此事, 只收取少量费用。

Customers who arrange overdrafts will face a monthly charge of £5.希望透支的客户每月将支付5英镑的费用。

Is there a charge for delivery?送货收费吗?

free of charge免费

The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices.宣传册可以从邮局免费领取。

there's no charge不收费
extra charge额外费用
at no extra charge不额外收费
to make no charge for sth对…不收费

No charge is made for repairs.维修不收费。

to reverse the charges【电信】<英>由受话方付费

I want to call Bath 333207 and reverse the charges, please.请接333207巴斯, 由对方付费。

See alsobank charges labour charges

This charge was often repeated in leading articles.这种指责经常在报刊社论中重复出现。

to deny a charge否认指控

Maybe he is just selecting the patients who would get better anyway? It's a charge he denies.或许他只是挑选了早晚都会康复的病人?他否认这一指控。


He may still face criminal charges.他可能还会面临刑事控告。

They appeared at court yesterday to deny charges of murder.他们昨天出庭否认谋杀指控。

He was released without charge.他被无罪释放了。

to be on a charge被起诉

He's on a charge of murder.他以谋杀罪名被起诉。

to bring a charge against sb控告某人

The police had enough evidence to bring a charge of assault.警方有足够的证据以侵犯人身罪起诉。

to press charges要求起诉

In this instance, the victim decided not to press charges.在此案中, 受害者决定不要求起诉。


a cavalry charge骑兵的一次冲锋

a bayonet charge一阵拼刺刀

He led a charge on the enemy position.他带头向敌人阵地冲了过去。

to mount a charge发起冲锋

The troops mounted one charge after the other.部队一次又一次发起冲锋。


The colonel ordered the bugler to sound the charge.上校命令号兵吹响冲锋号。

to be given charge of sth/sb受命负责照管…

I have been given charge of this class.我被分配负责这个班。

to have charge of sth/sb掌管…

The successful applicant will have charge of a team of more than 100 economists.成功的申请人将管理由100多名经济学家组成的团队。

to take charge of sth/sb负责…

She intended to take charge of the boy herself.她打算亲自照管这个男孩。

As the senior officer present he took charge of the situation.作为在场的高级军官, 他接管了这一局面。

It was a bad day for press freedom when she took charge of the paper.她掌管报社的那一天对于新闻自由而言是灰暗的一天 。

to be in sb's chargeorto be under sb's charge由某人负责

the people under my charge由我负责的人

I left the boys in Mary's charge.我把男孩子们交给玛丽看管。

They would never forget their time in his charge.他们永远忘不了在他手下的那些日子。

7.(person or thing in your care)被照管的人(或事物)
sb's charges由某人照管的人

The coach tried to get his charges motivated.教练试图激励他的队员们。

Sarah's little charges were not very well behaved.萨拉照看的小孩子们不太听话。

8.符号为q或Q【电】(stored electricity)充电量

a small electrical charge很小的充电量

9.【电】(electrical property of matter)
10.【电】(property determined by excess or lack of electrons)电荷
11.(amount of explosive; for blasting)装药
(to fire gun)弹药量
12.(cartridge or shell)子弹;炮弹
13.(rocket propellant)(固体火箭的)推进剂
14.(quantity held by receptacle)(容器的)装载量
15.(financial liability)应付款项
a charge on sth…的应付款项

a charge on the estate对地产的课税


I received this charge from His Majesty himself.国王陛下本人赋予我这份职责。

18.【律】(address to jury)(法官对陪审团的)指示
19.【纹章】(design on coat of arms)图记

a charge of three lions三只狮子的图记

get a charge out of sth从…中获得刺激

Maybe they get a charge out of driving so fast.或许他们从开快车中得到快感。

Brian always got a charge out of working with younger musicians.布赖恩总是能从和年轻音乐家共事中获得乐趣。

in charge主管;负责;管理

Who's in charge here?这里谁负责?

The boss went away on holiday leaving her deputy in charge.老板去度假了, 留下她的副手负责。

in charge of sb/sth主管…;负责…

the civil servant in charge of the railways主管铁路的公务员

the officer in charge of a group of Italian soldiers指挥一队意大利士兵的军官

Mrs Munday was in charge of the group.芒迪太太负责这个小组。





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