

单词 chair
释义 chair¹ /tʃeə/ n.
1.(not upholstered)(单人)椅子
a kitchen chair餐椅
a table and 4 chairs一张餐桌和四张餐椅

I sat in a low chair by the fire, reading.我坐在火炉边的矮沙发上看书。


He was still in his thirties when he got his chair at Leeds.他在利兹大学获得教授职位时才30多岁。

He has been appointed to the chair of sociology at Southampton University.他已被任命为南安普敦大学社会学教授。

4.(chairperson)(会议或辩论的)主席, 主持人

John Hanlon, chair of Energywatch's Scottish committee约翰•汉隆, 能源观察苏格兰委员会负责人

You should address your remarks to the chair.你应该向主席陈述你的意见。

5.(official position)职位;席位
a chair on the board of directors董事会席位

He relinquished the editorial chair he had held for the past ten years.他让出了担任十年之久的总编职位。

6.【音】(in orchestra)管弦乐队演奏者职位
7.the chair<美>(electric chair)电椅

He was sent to the chair in 1937 after being convicted of first-degree murder.他被判一级谋杀罪之后于1937年被送上电椅。

9.in the chair在主持辩论(或会议)

In the chair was Morien Morgan.主持人是莫里安•摩根。

Finance Ministers are meeting today in Brussels with Britain in the chair.各国财政部长今天在布鲁塞尔开会, 由英国主持会议。

10.take the chair担任主席

Wheeler took the chair of this sub-committee.惠勒担任小组委员会主席。

In the absence of the chairwoman, the honorary secretary took the chair.在女主席缺席的情况下, 名誉秘书长主持了会议。

chair² /tʃeə/ vt.
1.(be chairperson of)+ meeting主持;+ committee担任…的主席;+ department担任…的主任

He was about to chair a meeting in Venice of E.U. foreign ministers.他即将主持在威尼斯召开的欧盟外长会议。

The declaration was drafted by a committee chaired by Dr Robert Song.宣言由罗伯特•桑博士领导的委员会起草。

Professor Peabody has chaired the Department of English for the past ten years.过去的十年里皮博迪教授一直担任英语系主任。

2.<英>(carry aloft)把(获胜者或取得巨大成就者)高高扛起

By tradition the successful candidate was chaired from the Town Hall to party headquarters.按照传统, 获胜的候选人被从市政厅一路高扛着到了政党总部。

The captain was chaired off the field.队长坐在球员肩上被高高扛出赛场。





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