

单词 advantage
释义 advantage¹ /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ n.
1.(over others)有利条件;有利因素;优势

Being tall gives him an advantage.个子高给了他有利条件。

A large crowd will be an advantage for the home team.观众人数多将是主队的优势。

an advantage over sb/sth与…相比的优势

They are deliberately flouting the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.为了在与对手的竞争中占据上风, 他们公然藐视法律。

You have an advantage over her, because you are stronger.你比她有优势, 因为你更强壮。

the advantage of sth over sth…和…相比的优势

She explained the advantages of the new system over the old one.她解释了新系统优于旧系统的地方。

to have the advantage of being sth具有作为…的优势

She has the advantage of being the younger player.她具有在选手中年龄较小的优势。

to have the advantage of doing sth具有做某事的优势

He had the advantage of having seen the exam paper already.他有已经看过试卷的优势。

2.(good quality)优点;好处

The advantage of fresh fruit is its flavour.新鲜水果的优点在于味道。

the advantages and disadvantages of sth…的利弊

the advantages and disadvantages of marrying when you are very young年龄很小的时候结婚的利弊

You should weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of running your own business.你应该权衡自己经营生意的利弊。

to have advantages有优点;有好处

Going to university has many advantages.上大学有很多好处。

'Advantage Federer'“费德勒占先”
to advantageorto best advantageorto good advantage有效地;有利地 ;使优点突出地

He used his height to advantage during the game.他在比赛中很好地利用了自己的身高。

The tight-fitting dress showed off Clara's figure to best advantage.紧身连衣裙充分衬托出克拉拉的身材。

to have the advantage of sb<过时>知道某人所不知道的

You have the advantage of me there, I've never met the lady.在这一点上你比我强, 我从来没见过那位女士。

to take advantage of sb
(impose on)占某人的便宜;利用某人

She took advantage of him even after they were divorced.即便是离婚后她还在占他的便宜。

Can't you see he's just taking advantage of you?你难道看不出来他只是在利用你吗?


The cad took advantage of her when she was in a bad way.那个无赖在她身处困境时诱奸了她。

to take advantage of sth
(make good use of)+ weather, opportunity利用某事物

We took advantage of the dry weather to paint the house.我们趁着天气干燥粉刷房子。

Try to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.尽量利用你遇到的每一个机会。

to turn sth to your advantageorto use sth to your advantage使某事物(转而)对自己有利

The government have not been able to turn today's demonstration to their advantage.政府未能把今天的示威变成对自己有利的事。

advantage² /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ vt.

The conditions are likely to advantage the bigger boats.情况可能对较大的船有利。





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