

单词 adult
释义 adult¹ /ˈædʌlt; əˈdʌlt/ n.

Becoming a father signified that he was now an adult.当了父亲意味着他现在是个成年人了。

Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.14岁以下的儿童必须由成年人陪同。

2.(animal or plant)成年动物(或植物);成体;成虫
by the time the deer are adults到鹿成年的时候
adult² /ˈædʌlt; əˈdʌlt/ adj.
1.(grown-up)+ person, animal, life成年的
a pair of adult birds一对成年的鸟

I have spent most of my adult life abroad.我成年后大部分时间在国外生活。

The play is definitely aimed at an adult audience.该剧的目标观众无疑是成年人。

2.(mature and sensible)+ attitude, behaviour成熟的;老成的

Now you're 18, I expect you to show a more adult attitude.现在你18岁了, 我希望能你表现出更成熟的态度。

We were very adult about it. We discussed it rationally over a drink.在这件事上我们表现得很成熟。我们一边喝酒一边心平气和地谈了谈。

3.(for adults)(针对)成人的
adult classes成人班

There is no adult reading matter in the shop, only children's books.店里没有成人读物, 只有儿童书籍。

4.(sexually explicit)+ film, magazine, entertainment(尤指因含有色情内容)只适合成人的
an adult movie成人电影




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