

单词 catch up
释义 catch up
🄰 vi.
1.(go faster)walker, runner, driver +追上;赶上

He is dawdling behind, not wanting to catch up.他在后面磨蹭, 不想赶上来。

I stopped and waited for her to catch up.我停下等她赶上来。

to catch up with sb赶上某人

We soon caught up with the marchers.我们很快就追上了游行的人们。

2.(reach same stage)competitor, worker +赶进度

John began the season better than me but I have fought to catch up.约翰本赛季开始成绩比我好, 我在努力追赶他。

I've got to catch up: I was away last week.我要赶一下进度:上星期我没在。

to catch up with sb赶上某人

Most leaders were obsessed with catching up with the West.大多数领导人一心想着赶超西方。

to catch up on sth弥补

During the evenings, the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and mathematics.晚上, 学校就是一些赶着补英语和数学的孩子们在用。

I was just catching up on my sleep, that's all.我只是在补觉, 没别的事。

I was catching up on a bit of reading.我在补看一些东西。

3.(exchange news)friends +交流近况

If you like we can meet later on and catch up.如果你愿意, 我们稍后可以聚聚, 交流一下近况。

to catch up with sb了解某人的近况

She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with relatives.她计划回都柏林去了解亲属的近况。

to catch up on sth了解···的近况

The ladies spent some time catching up on each other's health and families.女士们花了点时间交流健康和家庭情况。

to catch up on sb和某人谈论近况

Time was spent catching up on old friends.时间都用来和老朋友交流近况了。

🄱 vt. sep.
1.(reach, pass)to catch sb/sth up or to catch up sb/sth
+ person in front赶上

They soon caught me up.他们很快就赶上了我。

2.(be absorbed)to be caught up in sth专心致志做某事

The child was completely caught up in his game.那孩子专心致志地玩着游戏。

3.(get involved)to be caught up in sth被某事缠住

The people themselves weren't part of the conflict; they were just caught up in it.这些人不是冲突的一方;他们只是身陷其中而已。

The women are caught up in the drug trade.这些妇女被卷入了毒品买卖。

to catch sth uporto catch up sth抓起

She caught up her glass and gulped down the wine.她抓起杯子把酒一饮而尽。

5.(seize)to catch sth up or to catch up sth将···挽起

The hem of her dress was caught up with ribbons.她的裙摆用丝带向上挽着。





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