

单词 carve
释义 carve /kɑːv/
🄰 vt.
1.+ wood, stone, wax雕刻

She carves pieces of wood into fantastical shapes.她把一块块木头雕刻成各种奇异的形状。

candles carved in the shape of Buddhas雕刻成佛像形状的蜡烛

2.+ initials, name刻;镌刻

He begins to carve his initials on the tree.他开始在树上刻自己名字的首字母。

She carved her name on her desk.她把自己的名字刻在了书桌上。

3.+ statue, figure刻成;雕饰

One of the prisoners has carved a beautiful wooden chess set.其中一个犯人刻了一副精美的木制象棋。

He carves his figures from white pine.他用白松木刻出人像。

The altars were carved in smooth marble.这些圣坛是用光滑大理石雕刻成的。

4.+ meat, joint把…切片

Andrew began to carve the chicken.安德鲁开始切鸡肉。

Carve the beef into slices.把牛肉切成片。

5.+ gorge, cave, road(历经多年)修成, 开辟

a temple carved deep into the heart of the mountain在大山深处修建的庙宇

The caves were carved into the cliffs by the sea.这些洞穴是海水在崖壁上冲刷出来的。

Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside.将要修建两条三车道公路穿过乡间。

6.+ reputation, market share, career闯出;开创出;+ role争取到

They are now carving their own careers.现在他们正在努力开创自己的事业。

Read has carved a career as a successful author.里德闯出了一番事业, 成了一名成功的作家。

to carve a niche for yourselforto carve yourself a place为自己闯出一片天地

The girl from nowhere clearly means to carve herself a place in history.显而易见, 这个名不见经传的女孩想留名青史。

to carve a niche for yourself as sth为自己闯出某种地位

She has carved a niche for herself as a comic actor.她作为一名喜剧演员已经闯出了一片天地。

to carve a reputation for sth创下某种名声

He has carved a reputation for toughness as a trainer.他树立了铁面教练的名声。

🄱 vi.
1.(in wood, stone, wax)雕刻

I picked up a piece of wood and started carving.我拿起一块木头开始雕刻。

2.(cut meat)切肉片

Let the turkey sit for at least 20 minutes before carving.把火鸡肉搁上至少20分钟, 然后再切片。

Phrasal Verbscarve out,carve up




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