

单词 capture
释义 capture¹ /ˈkæptʃə/ vt.
1.+ person, animal捕获;俘获

How are they going to capture all the animals?他们打算怎么捕获所有这些动物?

The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot.游击队员击落了一架飞机, 俘获了飞行员。

2.+ place(用武力)占领, 夺取

The whole town celebrated when two tanks were captured.缴获两辆坦克后全城欢庆。

The city took 24 days to capture.攻克这座城池用了24天。

3.+ attention吸引;+ imagination激发

The Labour Party must capture the imagination of young voters.工党必须激发年轻选民的想象力。

the great names of the Tory party who usually capture the historian's attention托利党中常常引起历史学家关注的大人物

4.+ market, vote, sales获取;夺得

In August, overseas firms captured almost 41 per cent of the market.8月份海外公司夺得了几乎41%的市场份额。

In 1987, McDonald's captured 19 per cent of all fast-food sales.1987年麦当劳占据了整个快餐市场销售额的19%。

5.(in game, contest)+ title斩获;赢得

He captured a pawn in chess.他吃掉了一个卒。

He captured the British Open title by beating Hashim.他击败哈希姆赢得了英国公开赛的冠军。

6.+ spirit, mood, essence体现出;描绘出;刻划出

Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean.伊德里斯·卡尔德拉大厨给出了一份体现地中海精髓的菜单, 堪称创意非凡之作。

Their mood was captured by one who said, 'Students here don't know or care about campus issues.'有一个人说的话恰好道出了他们的心情:“这里的学生不了解或者不关心校园问题。”

7.+ image记录;拍摄

The incident was captured on videotape.这次事件被录像记录下来。

photographers who captured the traumatic scene把这一痛苦场面拍摄下来的摄影师

9.【计】采集, 捕获(数据)
10.to capture headlinesorto capture the headlines成为头条新闻

The September 11 terrorist attacks captured headlines around the world.9•11恐怖袭击成了全世界的头条新闻。

11.to capture sb's heart掳获某人的心;博得某人的心

one man's undying love for the woman who captured his heart一名男子对心仪女人的永恒爱恋

capture² /ˈkæptʃə/ n.
1.+of criminal, fugitive捕获;抓获

She and Woolley had spent the day before their capture stealing handbags.她和伍利被抓的前一天在偷手提包。

The shooting happened while the man was trying to evade capture by the security forces.枪击发生时, 该名男子正试图躲避安全部队的抓捕。

2.(person or thing captured)俘虏;捕获物;战利品

Most boats now tag and release their captures.现在多数渔船先给渔获系上标签, 然后将其释放。

3.+of town夺取;占领;攻占

the final battles which led to the capture of the town导致该城被占领的最后几场战斗

5.【计】(数据的)采集, 捕获




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