

单词 buzz
释义 buzz¹ /bʌz/ n.
1.+of flies, bees, wasps嗞嗞声;嗡嗡声
2.(noise)+of saw(类似昆虫发出的)嗞嗞声, 嗡嗡声
the buzz of a chain saw链锯发出的噪声
3.(low sound)低沉嘈杂的(谈话、活动)声音
the buzz of sth…的低沉嘈杂声音

A buzz of excitement filled the courtroom as the defendant was led in.被告被带进来的时候法庭里充满了兴奋的絮语声。

4.(phone call)(电话)呼叫
to give sb a buzz<非正式>给(某人)打个电话

I'll give you a buzz later in the week.我这周晚些时候给你打电话。


The early buzz suggests that the album could be a classic.早早就传出纷纷议论说明这张专辑有可能成就经典。

6.<俚>(strong sensation)(吸毒等产生的)陶醉感

the sugar buzz that lasts for an hour after each can每喝一听就能持续一小时的嗜糖满足感。

7.(sense of excitement)兴奋;陶醉
to get a buzz from sth因(某事)而兴奋

He got a buzz from creating confrontations.他在和别人对着干的时候得到了快感。

to give sb a buzz给(某人)带来兴奋感

Performing still gives him a buzz.表演还是让他精神振奋。

buzz² /bʌz/
🄰 vi.
1.fly, bee, wasp +(昆虫)发出嗡嗡声

A fly was buzzing round her head.一只苍蝇在她头上盘旋。

2.plane, helicopter +(飞机等)发出嗡嗡声

Helicopters buzzed overhead.直升机在头顶嗡嗡直响。

The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.对讲机嗞嗞作响, 他按下了相应的切换键。

3.(be full of activity)忙碌;乱哄哄
to be buzzing with sth充斥着某物;忙碌于某事

The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity.排练厅的午饭时间各种活动热闹非凡。

The dining hall was buzzing with chatter.餐厅里叽叽喳喳都是说话声。


She was buzzing round the town on her daily business of stirring up trouble.她每日在城里乱窜, 专门挑事生非。

🄱 vt.
1.(call on intercom)用对讲机招呼(或召唤)

Later that morning Julie buzzed me.那天早上晚些时候, 朱莉在电话里找我。

3.<非正式>+ plane, building低飞掠过

American fighter planes buzzed the city.美军战斗机群低空掠过该市。

4.【军】<非正式>+ aircraft(逼近或穿越另一飞行器的线路以)逼近警告(或威胁)
5.+ wings(尤指昆虫)用(翅膀)发出嗡嗡声
Phrasal Verbsbuzz about,buzz around,buzz in,buzz off
buzz³ /bʌz/ comp.

Sex education in schools was the buzz topic.学校里的性教育是一个热门话题。





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