

单词 bundle
释义 bundle¹ /ˈbʌndəl/缩写为bdl n.
1.(pile)+of clothing捆;包;+of firewood捆;+of banknotes, newspapers卷;捆

She produced a bundle of notes and proceeded to count out £195.她拿出一沓钞票, 接着数出了195镑。

The magazines were tied up in bundles.杂志被捆成了捆。


I hoisted my bundle over my shoulder.我把包裹提起来放在肩上。

3.<非正式>(a lot of money)一大笔钱

Ever wonder if that old painting gathering dust in the attic is worth a bundle?你有没有想过放在阁楼里积满灰尘的那幅字画可能真的值一大笔钱?

to cost a bundle昂贵

It might cost a bundle to get out of a lease early.提前解除租约要付很大一笔钱。

to cost sb a bundle使某人花很多钱

You can have it, but it'll cost you a bundle.你可以把它拿走, 但是它要花你很大一笔钱。

4.a bundle
(a lot)大量:
thanks a bundle!<讽>多谢

Thanks a bundle, Tony.托尼, 太感谢你了!(反语)

a bundle of sth大量

The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training.这个职业有很多好处, 尤其是它拥有各种各样的培训机会。

5.a bundle of sth<非正式>(a mass of)有…特点的人

He was a bundle of energy.他精力充沛。


I remember Mickey as a bundle of fun, great to have around.我记得米奇是个很有趣的人, 有他在身边很棒。

their bundle of joy(他们的)孩子

They proudly showed off their new bundle of joy at a photo shoot yesterday.他们在昨天拍照时自豪地炫耀了自己的孩子。

it wasn't a bundle of laughs并非充满欢乐

Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs.中学生活并非充满欢声笑语。

(very nervous)非常紧张

He confessed to having been a bundle of nerves.他承认近段时间一直很紧张。

6.【解剖】+of fibres(神经、肌肉的)束

Muscles are actually bundles of fibres.实际上, 肌肉就是由纤维束构成的。

the bundle of nerve fibres connecting the two halves of the brain连接大脑两半部分的神经纤维束

7.【织】(quantity)包(纱或布的单位;用于亚麻纱线时相当于60,000码, 用于棉绞纱时相当于5或10磅)
to drop your bundle<澳,新西兰,俚>慌乱;绝望

There are those who drop their bundle completely.有些人完全放弃了希望。

to go a bundle on sth<非正式>非常喜欢…

British people do not go a bundle on foreign food.英国人不是特别喜欢外国食物。

Not everyone is going to go a bundle on the name or the label.并不是每个人都喜欢这个名字或者绰号。

bundle² /ˈbʌndəl/
🄰 vt.
1.to bundle sb into sth
(using force)把某人硬推入某处

They bundled the children into the back of their car and drove off.他们把孩子们推进汽车后面的座位, 然后开走了。


Len bundled the knives and forks into a drawer.莱恩把刀叉胡乱扔进抽屉里。

2.【计】(sell as package)+ hardware, software捆绑销售

It's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately.电脑和软件捆绑购买比分别购买便宜。

3.【商】+ product赠送
🄱 vi.
1.to bundle into sth和很多人一起(匆忙)前往某处

I grabbed my notebook and together with three fellow journalists bundled into an old taxi.我抓起笔记本, 然后和三位记者同事挤进了一辆旧出租车。

2.【史】betrothed couple +与…和衣同睡一床(旧时新英格兰、威尔士等地的习俗)
Phrasal Verbsbundle off,bundle out,bundle up




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