

单词 bull
释义 bull¹ /bʊl/ n.
1.【农】(uncastrated male cattle)未阉割成年公畜
2.(any male bovine)(尤指性成熟的)公牛
3.(male elephant, whale)雄性动物, 雄兽(如公象、雄鲸)
4.(very large person)体壮如牛的人;彪形大汉;粗汉

I think it's a load of bull.我认为这纯属胡说八道。

7.【史】(statement by Pope)(天主教)教皇诏书, 教皇训谕

a papal bull一份教皇诏书

8.(contradictory statement)荒谬可笑的话;自相矛盾的说法
9.to be like a bull in a china shop<非正式>(insensitive)(人)行动(或说话)鲁莽, 像冒失鬼

Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop.不过, 这能让他停下来, 不再到处瞎碰乱撞。

10.to shoot the bull<美,加拿大,俚>(chat)闲谈;瞎扯
11.to take the bull by the horns勇敢面对困境(或险境);不畏艰险

Now is the time for the Chancellor to take the bull by the horns and announce a two per cent cut in interest rates.现在到了财政大臣勇敢面对困境、宣布降息2%的时候了。





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