

单词 address
释义 address¹ /əˈdres/ n.
1.(postal address)地址;住址

My address is 70 Brompton Road, London SW1.我的地址是伦敦西南1区布朗普顿路70号。

What's your address?你的地址是什么?

Please notify us of any change of address.地址如有变动, 请通知我们。


Internet addresses are also known as URLs.网址也称为统一资源定位地址。


Double-check the email address.复核一下电子邮件地址。

a form of addressora mode of addressora term of address称谓;称呼

I didn't know the correct form of address for an ambassador.我不知道大使的正确称谓是什么。

What term of address do you use for a duke?该用什么称谓来称呼公爵?


the president's address to the people总统对民众的演说

She opened the conference with an eloquent address.她以雄辩的演说拉开了大会序幕。

to give an address发表演说

Mr Howard gave an address on economic strategies in Asia.霍华德先生发表了关于亚洲经济战略的演讲。


He handled a difficult situation with great skill and address.他曾以高超的技巧和圆通应对困境。

7.<古>(manner of speaking)说话方式;谈吐

His address was abrupt.他谈吐粗鲁。

9.【政】<英>(议院提交给君主的)呈文, 正式请愿书
11.(declaration of love)殷勤;求爱

The Emperor himself had paid her his addresses at one time.皇帝本人曾经向她求爱。

address² /əˈdres/ vt.(addresses,addressing,addressed,addrest)
1.+ letter, parcel在…上写地址

Did you address it correctly?地址写对了吗?

to address sth to sb把某物写上地址寄给某人

Please address your letter to me.请把你的信寄给我。

to be addressed to sb写有寄给某人的地址

The letter is addressed to Dr Williams.这封信是寄给威廉斯医生的。

2.(make speech to)+ meeting, conference向…作讲话;向…发表演说

He is due to address a conference on human rights next week.下星期他将在一个人权会议上发表演讲。

3.<正式>(speak to)+ person对…说话

I did not give you leave to address me so informally.我没有允许你这么随便地对我说话。

There is no need to address me in that manner!不必那样对我说话!

to address each other交谈

The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly.两位外长没有直接交谈。

to address yourself to sb对某人说话

Next he addressed himself to the chairman.随后他对主席讲了话。

4.(using person's title)称呼

She doesn't like being addressed by that name.她不喜欢人们用那个名字称呼她。

to address sb as sth称呼某人为…

The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace.女公爵应该被称作“夫人”。

I heard him address her as darling.我听到他叫她亲爱的。

5.(tackle)+ problem, issue, fear处理;对付

There are some key issues that still need to be addressed.有些关键问题仍然需要处理。

to address yourself to sth处理(或探讨)某事

In the book we addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.在书中我们探讨了伦理问题。

We must all address ourselves to the task in hand.我们都必须处理手头的任务。

to address sb's needs解决某人的需要

Specialist centres specifically address the needs of patients.专科医生中心专门解决患者的需求。

6.<正式>(direct)+ enquiry, complaint, question提出;提交

Address your complaint to someone who is senior enough to sort out your problem.把你的投诉提交给某个级别够高能处理你问题的人。

Applications should be addressed to the business affairs editor.申请应该提交给商务编辑。

to address a remark to sborto address a comment to sb向某人说话

He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring me.他向埃莉诺说话, 对我置之不理。

7.(have as subject)论述;讨论

Chapter 10 addresses the problem of transitivity.第10章论述了及物性问题。

9.(face)对准, 瞄准(高尔夫球、靶心等);面向(舞伴)




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