

单词 bruise
释义 bruise¹ /bruːz/ n.

She was treated for cuts and bruises.医生给她处理了身上的伤口和青肿。

bruises on the fruit's skin水果表皮的多处碰伤

bruise² /bruːz/
🄰 vt.
1.(injure)+ body part, person, skin, fruit使出现瘀伤;使青肿;擦伤;碰伤

He was severely bruised.他满身是严重的瘀伤。

Choose a warm, dry day to cut them off the plants, being careful not to bruise them.选个温暖干燥的天儿把它们从植株上剪下来, 注意不要碰伤了。

I had only bruised my knee.我只是膝盖擦破点皮。

2.(offend)+ person, feelings冒犯;伤害;挫伤

Their egos are so easily bruised.他们的自尊心太容易受伤了。

3.(damage surface of)(通过击打等)破坏…的表面, 使表面有伤痕
4.【烹】捣碎, 研细(食物等)
🄱 vi.
(皮肤)青肿, 出现瘀伤;fruit, skin, person +碰伤;出现瘀伤

Be sure to store them carefully as they bruise easily.它们很容易磕破, 一定要仔细存放。

I have very sensitive skin. I bruise easily.我皮肤很敏感, 动不动就青一片紫一片。





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