

单词 breath
释义 breath /breθ/ n.
1.(air in your lungs)气息;呼吸

His breath was coming thick and fast.他的呼吸又粗又急。

to gasp for breath大口喘气;气喘吁吁

Gasping for breath, she leaned against the door.她倚靠在门上, 大口喘着气。

to pause for breath停下来喘口气

He spoke for an hour and barely paused for breath.他滔滔不绝地说了一个小时, 几乎都没停下来喘口气。

to have no breath left喘不过气;上气不接下气

I had no breath left to run any further.我已经上气不接下气, 再也跑不动了。

2.(air exhaled)(呼吸的)空气

I could smell the whisky on his breath.我能闻到他呼吸中的威士忌味道。

Smoking causes bad breath.吸烟会导致口臭。

Her breath smells.她有口臭。

to have bad breath有口臭
to take a breath吸一口气

I took a quick breath and dived down again.我迅速吸了一口气, 再次潜入水中。

to take a deep breath深吸一口气

The doctor told me to take deep breaths.医生让我进行几次深呼吸。

4.+of wind一丝

Not even a breath of wind stirred the pine branches.一丝风也没有, 松树枝条纹丝不动。


I seemed to feel a breath of spring in the air.我似乎感觉到了空气中春天的气息。

a breath of scandal一丝流言蜚语

The merest breath of scandal would have ruined her chances.任何流言蜚语都会让她错失机会。

6.(soft sound)低语;轻微的声音

It was not even a sound, just a breath.那都算不上什么声响, 只是一种轻微的声音。

7.(brief time)短暂的时间;一瞬间

Just a breath separated the two shots, but they were not simultaneous.两枪间隔时间很短, 但并非同时发射。

8.【语言】(passage of air)清音;气(息)音
9.don't hold your breath<非正式>不指望某事发生

The builders say the work will be done in two weeks, but don't hold your breath.建筑方声称工程将在两周内完工, 不过还是别指望了。

10.a breath of airora breath of fresh air透口气;呼吸新鲜空气

I'd been cooped up in the office all day and was in desperate need of a breath of air.我在办公室里憋了一整天了, 急需透透气。

11.a breath of fresh air令人耳目一新的人;新鲜刺激的事物

Her brisk treatment of an almost taboo subject was a breath of fresh air.她把这个近乎禁忌的话题处理得很轻松, 令人耳目一新。

12.the breath of life生命中不可或缺之物

The free right to discuss public affairs is the breath of life to parliamentary institutions.自由讨论公众事务的权利对于议会机构来说是必不可少的。

13.to catch your breath

I took a moment to catch my breath before resuming the climb.我歇了一会儿喘口气, 然后才继续攀登。

(stop breathing in surprise)(通常因为震惊而)倒吸一口冷气

Kenny caught his breath as Nikko nearly dropped the bottle.尼科差点儿把瓶子摔了, 这让肯尼倒吸了一口气。

14.to draw breath<文>喘口气;歇一下

We need to take a moment to draw breath and try to decided on our next move.我们需要休息一会, 决定我们下一步的行动。

15.to get your breath back<英>喘过气来;恢复正常呼吸

He needed a moment to get his breath back after running up three flights of stairs.在跑上三段楼梯后, 他需要时间缓口气。

I reached out a hand to steady myself against the house while I got my breath back.我伸出一只手抵住墙壁撑着身子, 让自己喘口气。

16.to hold your breath
(not breathe out)屏住呼吸;止住呼吸

Stanley claims to be able to hold his breath for three and a half minutes.斯坦利声称自己能憋气三分半钟。

(wait expectantly)屏息静气(等待)

The whole world has been holding its breath for this speech.整个世界都在屏息等待此次演讲开始。

We're all holding our breath to see if there are any startling new revelations.我们都在屏息静观是否会揭露出新的惊人内幕。

17.in the same breath但同时, 但紧接着(尤指批评某人的言论自相矛盾)

He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States.他称赞本周达成的军备协议, 但同时又对美国的动机表示怀疑。

18.your last breath最后一口气;临终时

And I shall keep on asserting my innocence until I take my last breath.我会一直坚称自己是清白的, 直至生命的最后一刻。

19.out of breath喘不过气;上气不接下气

There she was, slightly out of breath from running.她就在那里, 跑得有点喘不过气来。

20.short of breath呼吸困难;呼吸短促

Any exercise that makes you short of breath should be stopped.任何导致呼吸困难的锻炼都应当停止。

She felt short of breath and flushed.她感到呼吸急促, 满脸通红。

21.to take sb's breath away令某人惊叹;令某人吃惊

The beauty of the scenery took our breath away.风景美得令我们惊叹不已。

The sheer effrontery of the claim took everyone's breath away.这一陈述中透露出的赤裸裸的傲慢令所有人咋舌。

22.under your breathorbelow your breath低声地;压低嗓门地

Walsh muttered something under his breath.沃尔什小声嘟囔了一句。

23.to waste your breath浪费口舌;白费唇舌

The tone of her voice told him he was wasting his breath.她的语气使他明白他是在白费口舌。





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