

单词 breaking point
释义 breaking point n.
1.(point of collapse)崩溃点;断裂点;极限;爆发点

The system is being pushed to breaking point.过大的负载使系统崩溃。

Families round here are at breaking point. They have been on half wages since October.这附近的家庭已经忍无可忍了, 自10月份以来他们就一直只能领一半的薪水。

to reach breaking point达到极限;濒于破裂

The situation has reached breaking point.局势一触即发。

to be stretched to breaking point被施压至极限

The report on the riot exposed a prison system that is stretched to breaking point.关于暴动的报道暴露出监狱系统已经达到了承受极限。

2.(moment of crisis)危急时刻

The breaking point came when he had to sack his deputy Prime Minister.他万般无奈, 不得不解除副总理的职务。





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