

单词 break
释义 break¹ /breɪk/(breaks,breaking,broke,broken)
🄰 vt.
1.(smash)+ glass, plate, window打破;打碎

The children broke a window playing football.孩子们踢足球时打破了一扇窗户。

to break sth into pieces使某物成为碎片;打碎某物
+ door, safe强行打开某物;砸开某物;撬开某物
2.(make sth stop working)+ piece of equipment, machinery损坏;使失灵

Careful, you'll break it!小心, 你会弄坏它的!

3.(fracture)+ part of body折断(骨头);使骨折

I broke my leg.我一条腿骨折了。

4.+ surface, cover, seal使破裂;撕裂;撕开;擦破

She bit his arm so hard that it broke the skin.她狠狠地咬他胳膊, 都咬破皮了。

5.(fail to keep)+ promise违背;+ law, regulation违反;不遵守
to break the law违反法律
to break the rules违反规定
6.(end)+ stalemate打破;结束

We aim to break the vicious circle between disadvantage and crime.我们意图打破贫困和犯罪之间的恶性循环。

to break the deadlock打破僵局
to break sb's hold on sth打破某人掌控某事物的局面;结束某人对某事物的控制
7.to break the silence/mood/tension打破沉默;打破寂静/破坏气氛/化解紧张气氛
8.(end relationship with)断绝;与…决裂;放弃
to break your ties with sb/sth断绝与…的联系
9.to break a habit
(stop doing something harmful)戒除陋习;改掉坏习惯
10.(demoralize)+ person瓦解…的决心;使丧失勇气;毁掉…的前程

She never let her jailers break her.她从未让关押者摧毁她的意志。

to break sb's spirit打垮某人的精神;摧毁某人的意志
11.(lessen the impact of)减弱…的势头;减轻…的力度
to break sb's fall在某人坠落时接挡某人

The trees broke his fall.多亏有树接着, 他摔得不重。

12.to break the news to sb
to break it to sb把消息告诉某人
13.(publish)press, media +公布, 发布(消息)

The confirmation came hours after The Herald broke the news of their planned merger.《先驱报》发布消息称他们计划合并, 几小时后该消息便得到了证实。

14.to break a record
(improve on)打破(纪录)

She broke the record for the 100 metres.她打破了100米纪录。

15.to break a code
16.+ banknote兑开, 破开(钞票)

to break a ten-pound note换开一张面值十英镑的钞票

17.(cause to stop)使改掉, 使戒除(习惯)

My wife has tried to break me of the smoking habit.我妻子试过让我戒掉抽烟的习惯。


One more setback could break the company.再遭受一次挫折公司可能就会破产。

20.【板】+ wicket, stumps击中(桩门)使横木掉落
21.(open)+ gun打开…后膛
22.【电】(interrupt)+ circuit切断
🄱 vi.
1.(become damaged)piece of equipment, machinery +坏掉;损坏

The camera broke.这部相机坏了。

2.(split in pieces)object +破碎;破裂;bone +骨折

Careful, it'll break!小心, 它会碎的!

to break into pieces摔碎;变成碎片

The plane broke into three pieces.飞机断成了三截。

to break in halforto break in two断成两截
3.(become public)news +公开;传出;scandal +被披露;传开

The news broke that the Prime Minister had resigned.据报道首相已经辞职。

to break for sth停下来去做某事

They broke for lunch.他们停下来吃午饭。

5.(change suddenly)weather +突变
6.storm +骤起
7.(to become dispersed)clouds +散开
8.dawn +破晓
9.(collapse into surf)waves +减势;落下;破碎
10.(change tone)person's voice +(常指因情绪激动)变声, 变调

Katie's voice broke and for a moment she couldn't continue.凯蒂声音都变了, 有那么一会儿她都说不下去了。

11.(at puberty)boy's voice +(嗓音)变粗

At 16 his voice broke.他16岁时嗓音变粗了。

12.her waters broke
(before childbirth)(孕妇的)羊水破了

Sarah's waters broke one Friday evening just after we had gone to bed.一个周五的晚上, 我们刚刚上床睡觉, 萨拉的羊水破了。

13.【股】(fall sharply)prices +暴跌
14.【体】(make a sudden effort)(跑步、赛马时)突然改变步态, 突然加快速度
15.【板】(change direction)ball +弹地转向
16.【台】(start the game)开球破局
17.【赛马】(start running)horses +从起点冲出;起跑
18.【拳,摔】(separate)fighters +抱持后拆散;分开
19.【言语】(develop into a diphthong)vowel +发生割裂而变成双元音
20.to break the bank(赌博中)赢下庄家的全部赌本;破产;倾家荡产
21.to break bread<古>(in general)(尤指与他人一起)进餐
(in Christianity)擘饼;主持圣餐礼;领圣餐
22.to break camp打好背包离开宿营地;撤营;拔营
23.to break free
(escape)person, animal +挣脱;逃脱
(from situation)摆脱
to break free of sb/sthorto break free from sb/sth摆脱某人/某事物的束缚;从某人/某事物的藩篱中挣脱
24.to break the ice打破僵局;打破沉默
25.to break it off with sb和某人分手
26.to break your journey<英>中途停歇;中途停留
27.to break loose
person, animal +逃脱;挣脱;摆脱
28.to break the mould打破常规;打破模式
29.to break new ground开辟新天地;创新
30.to break ranks分道扬镳;散伙
31.to break serveorto break service【网】破发球局
to break sb's serve破某人的发球局
32.to break a strike
(defeat strikers)镇压罢工;武力平息罢工
(resume work)结束罢工继续工作;重新开工
33.to break wind放屁
Phrasal Verbsbreak away,break down,break in,break into,break off,break out,break out in,break through,break up,break with
break² /breɪk/ n.
a break in the fence篱笆上的缺口

It's a bad break.骨折很严重。

the Christmas break圣诞假期
to take a break度假
a coffee break喝咖啡休息时间
to have a breakorto take a break休息一下;小憩一下
without a break不停歇地;不间断地
5.(at school)课间休息
during morning break在上午的课间
6.(career opportunity)(尤指证明自己能力的)机遇, 机会, 好运
have a lucky break交到好运
7.(breach in relationship)(关系的)断绝, 决裂, 破裂

He dreaded a break with his son.他很担心跟儿子关系破裂。

8.(sudden interruption)停顿;间断;中止;决裂
a break with sth与…的决裂
to make a clean break with sth与…一刀两断;彻底脱离…
10.【诗】(pause in a line of verse)(诗行的)停顿, 句读
11.【台】(series of shots)连续进球;单杆
12.【台】(points scored in series shots)单杆得分
13.【台】(opening shot)开球
14.【台】(right to opening shot)开球权
15.【网】(winning of opponent's service game)破发球局;破发
16.(interval in sporting contest)(体育比赛的)中场休息
17.【赛马】(start of race)(赛跑、赛马的)起跑
18.【游戏】(failure to knock down all pins)失误(保龄球运动中两次投球后未能将所有瓶子击倒)
19.【音】(improvised passage)(爵士乐中的)即兴独奏华彩段
20.【音】(instrumental passage)(流行歌曲的)乐器演奏部分
21.【电】(in electrical circuit)开断;断路
22.【拳,摔】(command to separate)扭抱后分开
23.the break of dayorthe break of dawn<文>破晓;黎明;晨光初露时
24.give me a break!<非正式>拜托;饶了我吧;得了吧
25.to make a breakorto make a break for it(趁人不注意)逃跑, 逃走




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