

单词 bread
释义 bread¹ /bred/ n.

I snack on bread during the day.我白天把面包当点心吃。

white bread白面包

There is more fibre in wholemeal bread than in white bread.全麦面包中的纤维含量高于白面包。

brown bread黑面包;全麦面包
a loaf of bread一条面包
a slice of bread一片面包

There's not a living soul in Colorado who doesn't depend for his bread on silver.科罗拉多州没有一个人不是靠开采银矿来谋生的。

Give us this day our daily bread.(主祷文)请赐给我们每天的食物吧。

4.【宗】(圣餐中的)饼, 圣饼
5.bread and circuses<文>面包和马戏;小恩小惠;安抚手段

the Government's strategy of using hefty surpluses to pay for middle-class bread and circuses政府用巨额盈余向中产阶级施惠的安抚策略

6.to break breadSeebreak¹
7.to cast your bread upon the waters<文>不图回报地做好事

When we cast all that civic bread upon the waters, how much is guaranteed to return?我们真心为公民做好事时, 有多少肯定会得到回报?

8.to earn your daily bread谋生;维持生计

What does he do to earn his daily bread?他靠什么谋生?

9.to know which side your bread is butteredorto know which side your bread is buttered on知道自己的利益所在;善于为自己打算

She'll apologize to you. She knows which side her bread is buttered.她会向你道歉的。她知道怎样做对自己有利。

10.to take the bread out of sb's mouth剥夺某人的谋生手段;断某人的生计

A year ago, they took away my freedom and now they take the bread out of my mouth.一年以前, 他们剥夺了我的自由, 现在又断了我的生计。

bread² /bred/ vt.

It is important that food be breaded just minutes before frying.食物抹上面包屑后过几分钟就油炸, 这一点很重要。

bread³ /bred/ adj.




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