

单词 breach
释义 breach¹ /briːtʃ/ n.
1.【律】+of law, rule, agreement, promise违犯;违反;违背

convictions relating to immigration breaches与违反移民法有关的定罪

States are required to seek out any person who has committed a grave breach, irrespective of his nationality.各州被要求查出所有严重违法者, 不问国籍。

a breach of sth对某物的违背

Their declaration of independence is a breach of the constitution.他们宣布独立是违背宪法的行为。

a breach of copyright侵犯版权

French Connection confirmed that its lawyers would be looking at the campaign in case there had been a breach of copyright.法式连结公司证实, 其律师将会关注宣传活动, 以免出现侵犯版权的行为。

2.<正式>(estrangement)(人或国家间关系的)决裂, 破裂, 裂痕

the deep political breach between his father and uncle他父亲和叔叔之间严重的政治分歧

a serious breach in relations between the two countries两国关系的严重破裂

3.(gap, crack)缺口;裂口;(尤指炮火轰开的)破口

A 60-yard breach appeared in the dam on Tuesday.星期二, 水坝上出现了一道60码长的裂口。

They rush to defend any breach in the walls.他们冲过去护卫墙上出现的任何破口。


The whales were showing off with a series of spectacular breaches and splashdowns.鲸群以一连串壮观的跃出和溅落水面的动作炫耀自己。

5.(breaking of waves)(海浪的)冲击
7.to step into the breach代理他人的工作

Benjamin Rosen will step into the breach until a replacement is found.在找到接替者之前将由本杰明•罗森代理工作。

breach² /briːtʃ/
🄰 vt.
1.【律】(break)+ law, rule, agreement, promise破坏;违反;违背

The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.该报违反了保护隐私的行为准则。

2.(make a hole in)+ wall攻破;突破;撕裂;给…造成缺口

Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.大火可能把油轮烧出了缺口, 从而引燃了原油。

Tree roots have breached the roof of the cave.树根穿透了洞穴顶部。

3.(get through)+ defences, security突破;攻破

The bomber breached security by climbing onto the roof.投弹者爬上屋顶, 突破了安保系统。

4.【动】whale ++ surface, water跃出

An immense whale breached the surface.一头巨鲸跃出了水面。

🄱 vi.
【动】whale +跃出水面

We spotted whales breaching in the bay.我们看到海湾里鲸群跃出水面。





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