

单词 brand
释义 brand¹ /brænd/ n.
1.+of product品牌;牌子

Our pies represent a healthier choice than many other brands currently in the market.相较目前市场上许多其他的品牌来说, 我们的馅饼是一种更加健康的选择。

a leading brand一流品牌

I bought one of the leading brands.我买了一个大牌子。

sb's own brand某人的自有品牌

a supermarket's own brand一家超市的自有品牌

a brand of sth某物的品牌(或牌子)

Winston is a brand of cigarette.温斯顿是一个香烟牌子。

What brand of soap powder do you use?你用什么牌子的洗衣粉?

2.a brand of sth
(type)(思维或行为等的)一种, 一类

his melodic and melancholy brand of music他那种旋律优美、曲调忧伤的音乐

He has his own brand of humour.他有自己的幽默风格。

3.(mark of ownership)(标明动物或旧时奴隶所属的)烙印

A brand was a mark of ownership burned into the hide of an animal with a hot iron.烙印是用烙铁烫在动物身上表明其归属的标记。


He bore the brand of a coward.他背上了懦夫的污名。

6.(piece of burning wood)燃烧(或烧焦)的木头
7.<古或诗>(torch)(燃烧着的)火炬, 火把
brand² /brænd/ vt.
1.to brand sb as sthorto brand sb sth
(accuse of being)谴责某人为…;使某人蒙上…污名

They recently branded him a war criminal.他们最近给他加上了战犯的污名。

I was instantly branded as a rebel.我当即被诬蔑成叛乱分子。

2.+ cattle给…打烙印

The owner couldn't be bothered to brand the cattle.主人懒得连给牛打烙印都不肯。

3.to be branded in sb's memoryorto be branded in sb's mind铭刻在某人的记忆里

The scene of slaughter was branded in their minds.屠杀的场景已铭刻在他们的心中。

4.【营销】+ product, goods给…设计品牌

To be successful in branding a 'prestige' product, you need to make it more expensive than the competition.要想成功打造出一个“知名”品牌, 产品要比竞争对手更贵。





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