

单词 branch out
释义 branch out vi.
person, organization, company +拓展新业务;涉足新领域

Despite the actor's regular attempts to branch out, he's become forever associated with a single character type.虽然这个男演员经常尝试拓展戏路, 但他已经永远和一种角色类型联系在了一起。

to branch out into sth开拓某种新业务;涉足某个新领域

ASEAN has branched out tentatively into the security business.东盟已经开始尝试把合作范围拓展到安全领域。

Telephone companies are branching out into new information services.电话公司正在涉足新型信息服务业。

to branch out to sth拓展到某个新领域

Lately, Carter has branched out to more abstract pieces.最近卡特转向创作更抽象的作品。

to branch out on your own独立开拓业务;开始创业

The designer said she would stay at fashion school for several more years before branching out on her own.设计师说她会在时装学院再待几年, 然后自己创业。





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