

单词 branch
释义 branch¹ /brɑːntʃ/ n.
1.+of tree枝(条)

The trees were leafless except for the topmost branches.这些树只有顶端的枝条上长着叶子。

2.(office, shop)+of shop分店;+of business分支;分部;+of bank分行

We have over 400 branches nationwide.我们在全国有400多家分店。

The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts.美国银行在当地的分行正在处理这些账目。

3.(department, members)+of government, police force, organization部门;分支机构

He had a fascination for submarines and joined this branch of the service.他对潜水艇很痴迷, 所以加入了这个兵种。

Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist branch伦敦警察厅反恐部门

the executive branch行政部门

plans for restructuring the executive branch of government along corporate lines按照企业模式对政府行政部门进行改组的计划

the judicial branch司法部门
the legislative branch立法部门
4.+of subject分支学科

scientists and researchers working in a more experimental branch致力于更注重实验的分支学科的科学家和研究人员

a branch of sth某学科的分支

a new branch of mathematics known as complexity theory被称作复杂性理论的数学新分支

5.+of family分支;旁支;旁系;支系

The Foster-Smith branch of the family emigrated to Australia.家族的福斯特–史密斯分支移民到了澳大利亚。

6.(offshoot)+of river支流;+of railway支线;+of nerve分支

The train line splits at Crianlarich, one branch going to Oban and the other to Fort William.这条铁路线在克林拉里克一分为二, 一条支线通往奥本, 另一条通往威廉堡。

a branch of the trigeminal nerve三叉神经的一个分支

8.【数】(曲线的)支, 分支
branch² /brɑːntʃ/ comp.
+ network, member, meeting, closure分店的;分部的;分行的;部门的;分支机构的

The bank is closing one-fifth of its branch network in Britain.这家银行打算把在英国的分支网络关闭五分之一。

branch³ /brɑːntʃ/
🄰 vi.
1.【植】tree, plant +生枝;分枝;有枝

Nip out shoot tips of tall annuals to help them branch freely.给高大的一年生植物打顶, 以助其自由抽枝。

2.【植】stem, root +分叉

The foliage branches from a basal rosette.叶从根生莲座丛中分出。


Here the road branched, going one way east to Edoras, and the other north to the Fords of Isen.道路在这里分岔, 一条朝东通往伊多拉斯, 另一条向北通往伊森渡口。

Dark veins branched at his temples.深色的静脉在他的太阳穴处分叉。


Other staircases branched off the long walkway.其他楼梯都从长长的走道上岔开。

Extend your thinking about each solution by branching downwards to further problems the solution might create.拓展你对每个解决方法的思路, 深入思考该方法可能会产生的其他问题。

🄱 vt.
Phrasal Verbsbranch off,branch out




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