

单词 brace
释义 brace¹ /breɪs/ n.
1.(medical appliance)支具;梏具
(on neck)托具
(on leg)支架

She has to wear a neck brace.她不得不戴一个颈托。

He wore leg braces after polio in childhood.他童年时得了小儿麻痹症, 以后就戴上了腿部支架。

The boy's cast was removed and he is now wearing a special brace.男孩的石膏夹板去掉了, 他现在戴着一个特殊的支架。

2.(on teeth)(正畸)牙套, 牙箍
mechanical injuries caused by poorly fitting denturesororthodontic braces假牙或正畸牙套安装不当引起的机械性损伤
to wear a brace戴牙箍

When I was 11, I wore a brace.我11岁那年戴了牙箍。

3.(pair)一对, 一双(尤指猎鸟)

a brace of bottles of Mercier Rose champagne一对梅西耶玫瑰香槟酒瓶

a few brace of grouse几对松鸡

a brace of pheasants一对野鸡
4.(support, strengthener)固定物;夹子;扣件

The carriage is on leather braces and rocks backwards and forwards.四轮马车套上了皮革牵索, 前后摇晃着。

A central brace improves stability.中心的固定杆提高了稳定性。

5.【建】(in building)拉条;拉杆;撑臂

There are timber arch braces above the front doors.前门上方有木拱支撑。

8.【音】(on drum)(调节鼓弦松紧的)滑动环
9.【音】(in sheet music)连谱号
10.【射箭,击剑】=bracer, 2
11.【体】操帆索, 转桁索(帆船运动用语)
brace² /breɪs/
🄰 vt.
1.(prepare mentally)做好应付…的准备
to be braced for sth准备应付…

Officials say New York is braced for further large-scale terrorist attacks.官员们称, 纽约已准备好应对进一步的大规模恐怖袭击。

London and Washington are braced for a tough round of negotiations.伦敦和华盛顿已做好准备迎接新一轮的艰难谈判。

to brace yourself做好准备

You should brace yourself, my dear.亲爱的, 你得做好准备。

Brace yourself to be sued!你做好准备, 等着被起诉吧!

to brace yourself for sth为…做好准备

He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.他做好了要跳进刺骨脏水里的准备。

She braced herself for her forthcoming ordeal.她为即将到来的磨难做好了准备。

to brace sb for sth使某人准备好应付…

The setback comes as Tony Blair braced Britain for a sharp escalation in the Afghanistan campaign.当托尼•布莱尔让英国准备好应付阿富汗战事的急剧升级时, 遇到了挫折。

2.(press against)使(身体)紧靠住
(against wall, furniture, etc)倚住某物

Tim braced himself against the door.蒂姆将身子紧紧靠住门。

to brace your back against sth把背紧靠在某物上

He braced his back against the wall.他后背紧靠在墙上。

to brace your shoulders against sth把肩膀抵到某物上
3.(stiffen)+ shoulders, back绷紧

He stood to attention, bracing his shoulders.他立正站着, 肩膀绷紧。

He braced his feet apart and held her against his body.他两脚分开站稳, 让她靠到身上。

4.【建】+ roof, arch, building支住;撑住

the submerged cross-beams bracing the piers of the jetty支撑码头突堤的水下横梁

the old timbers used to brace the roof用来支撑房顶的旧木料

🄱 vi.
1.(prepare mentally)做好应对准备
to brace for sth为应对…做好准备

The country is bracing for an outbreak of avian flu.该国正在做准备以应对禽流感的爆发。

Accommodation providers are bracing for a record 85,000 visitors.住宿提供者正在准备迎接创纪录的8.5万名游客。


Passengers were shouting 'Brace, brace!'乘客们大喊着:“身体绷紧, 身体绷紧!”

Phrasal Verbbrace up




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