

单词 boy
释义 boy¹ /bɔɪ/ n.
1.(male child)男孩

He was still just a boy.他还只是个小男孩。

a photo of his father taken at the time of the boy's birth男孩出生时他爸爸照的一张相片

a boy of five一个5岁的男孩

a little boy小男孩

I knew him when he was a little boy.他还是个小男孩的时候我就认识他了。

2.(young man)小伙子

He's just a boy when it comes to dealing with women.在对付女人方面, 他还是个毛头小伙子。

the under-17 boys' team17岁以下的男队

the age when girls get interested in boys姑娘开始对小伙子感兴趣的年龄


Eric was my cousin Edward's boy.埃里克是我表弟爱德华的儿子。

I have two boys and a girl.我有两个儿子一个女儿。

a baby boy男婴

We adopted a baby boy, whom we called Graham.我们领养了一个男婴, 给他取名叫格雷厄姆。

She had a beautiful baby boy.她生了一个漂亮的男婴。


'Come on, boys,' he shouted to the sailors.“加把劲儿, 伙计们。”他对水手们喊道。

the local boy who made President后来当上了总统的那名当地男子

(friends)(尤指为朋友关系的)一群男人, 一帮哥们儿

He's having a night out with the boys.他要和一帮哥们儿在外头玩上一晚上。

He's going fishing with the boys.他要和一帮朋友去钓鱼。


All of the boys are right behind the coach.所有的队员都完全支持教练。

I still feel as if I let the boys down.我仍然觉得我好像让队员们失望了。

(soldiers)(为祖国而战的)士兵, 战士

Disagreeing with the Government would be seen as disloyalty to our boys at the front.反对政府会被视为对前方战士的背叛。

Why are our boys being put in harm's way?为什么我们的战士要被派到危险的地方?

5.(instructing animal)小家伙(用于训练时对公狗或公马下命令)

Down, boy, down!趴下, 小家伙, 趴下!

Here, boy!过来, 小家伙!


Lisa has an American boy.莉萨有个美国男朋友。

All I wanted was my boy.我只想要我的男朋友。

7.<冒犯>(Black man)黑小子(尤用于前殖民地和美国南部)

What are you staring at, boy?你看什么呢, 黑小子?

8.<冒犯>(servant)黑人男仆, 本地男仆(尤用于前殖民地)

The boy brought us some tea.黑人男仆给我们端了些茶水。

10.the boy<爱尔兰,非正式>(tool)(完成某项工作的)合适工具

That's the boy to cut it.这正是切割它的工具。

11.boys will be boys男孩子总归是男孩子(意即男孩子本性如此, 年少轻狂的举止应得到理解和容忍)

I heard my father say in a very controlled voice, 'Well, sometimes boys will be boys.'我听到父亲尽量控制着自己的声音说道:“唉, 有时候男孩子毕竟是男孩子啊。”

12.jobs for the boys<非正式>为亲信安排肥缺;任人唯亲

Kenya's new government: more jobs for the boys肯尼亚新政府:任人唯亲

13.one of the boys一帮兄弟之一;哥们儿

He wants to be accepted as one of the boys.他想和他们成为哥们儿。

boy² /bɔɪ/ interj.

Boy, was she surprised!好家伙, 她很吃惊!

Boy, she looked great!好家伙, 她看起来真美!

oh boy!嗬, 好家伙!

Oh boy! Just think what I could tell him.嗬, 好家伙, 想想我能告诉他什么吧。





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