

单词 bow
释义 bow¹ /bəʊ/ n.
1.(in ribbon)蝴蝶结

Tie it in a bow.把它打成蝴蝶结。

to tie a bow打蝴蝶结

You could tie a little bow onto your rubber flip-flops.你可以在橡胶人字拖鞋上打一个小蝴蝶结。

a bow and arrows一副弓箭

Some of the raiders were armed with bows and arrows.袭击者中有些配备了弓箭。

4.【音】+of violin, cello琴弓
6.(something curved/bent)弓形物
8.<美>(spectacle frame)眼镜框
9.<美>(part fitting round ear)眼镜腿
10.<美>+of scissors金属环状柄;+of key金属圈
11.【建】(curved part of building)圆肚窗;凸肚窗
bow² /bəʊ/
🄰 vi.

The whole window bowed inwards.整个窗户向内弯曲。

🄱 vt.
1.(cause to form curve)使弯曲
2.【音】+ violin用弓拉
bow³ /bəʊ/ comp.

bow strokes琴弓的拉法

The bow tension is constantly adjusted with three fingers of the right hand.琴弓的松紧度是不断地用右手的三个手指来调整的。

bow⁴ /bəʊ/ n.
1.(of the body)欠身;鞠躬
(of the head)点头;低头

The usher opened the door with a bow.迎宾员躬身打开了门。

I gave a theatrical bow.我夸张地鞠了一躬。

He greeted us with a bow of his head.他点点头向我们打招呼。


the sight of that magnificent ship lit up from bow to stern那艘豪华轮船从头到尾全被照亮的景象

the bows船头部分

Little waves were beginning to creep around the bows of the boat.小浪花开始在船头周围慢慢涌起。

spray from the ship's bows船头溅起的水花

on the port bow在船头正前方左侧45°范围内
on the starboard bow在船头正前方右侧45°范围内
a shot across sb's bows<非正式>对某人的警告

Since my warning shot across his bows, my colleague had become a temporary paragon of virtue.自从我警告过他以后, 我的同事暂时变成了一个美德典范。

to take a bow
(acknowledge applause)actor, performer +(对观众的鼓掌)鞠躬致谢

They ran to the centre of the tent to take their bows.他们跑到帐篷中央鞠躬谢幕。

(bow out)辞职;下台;退出
(for good action)值得庆贺;值得祝贺

It was a good long-term investment. Officials and organizers can take a bow.这是一项很好的长期投资。应该对官员和组织者表示祝贺。

take a bow!<非正式>(followed by name)祝贺!(后接人名)

So, take a bow, Lindsey Smith, for a training feat of distinction.好啊, 林赛·史密斯, 祝贺你在训练中取得优异成绩。

bow⁵ /bəʊ/ comp.

the bow mooring line船首系泊索

the bow section船首部分

bow⁶ /bəʊ/
🄰 vi.
1.(with body)低头;鞠躬;屈膝

He bowed slightly before taking her bag.他微微鞠了一躬, 然后接过了她的包。

to bow to sb向某人鞠躬

'Goodbye, Miss Drew,' he said, bowing to her.“再见, 德鲁小姐。”他边说边向她鞠躬。

They bowed low to Louis and hastened out of his way.他们向路易斯深鞠一躬, 然后急忙给他让开了道。


His head now bowed slightly as he brooded over his disappointing family.他细想着他那令人失望的家庭, 头微微低了下来。

Trees bowed in the wind.树被风吹弯了。

+ knowledge, wisdom, majority遵从

I am happy to bow to your superior knowledge.我甘心折服于你高超的学识。

+ wishes, opinion顺从;屈从于

They bow to all her wishes.他们顺从她的所有愿望。

to bow to pressure屈从于压力

Some shops are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables.一些商店屈服于顾客的压力, 开始供应有机蔬菜。

Parliament has bowed to the demand for a referendum next year.议会勉强同意了明年举行全民公投的要求。

to bow to the inevitable迫于外界压力

He bowed to the inevitable and announced that he was willing to resume diplomatic relations.迫于外界压力, 他宣布愿意恢复外交关系。

🄱 vt.
1.+ head低下

He bowed his head, ashamed.他羞愧地低下了头。

The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.上校低下头, 低声做感恩祷告。

2.<正式>(cause to bend)使弯曲

The manager bowed us to our car.经理恭敬地送我们到车旁。

to be bowed down by sth

They are bowed down by grief.他们被悲伤压垮。

to bow and scrape点头哈腰;卑躬屈膝
Phrasal Verbsbow down,bow out




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