

单词 boil
释义 boil¹ /bɔɪl/
🄰 vt.
1.(bring to boiling point)+ water, milk, soup使煮沸;使烧开

Do not boil the soup, as this will impair the flavour.汤不要煮沸, 不然会破坏味道。

Boil the water in the saucepan.把炖锅里的水烧开。

2.+ pan, kettle把…(里的液体)烧开

He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea.他无事可做, 便烧了一壶水, 沏了点茶。

3.【烹】+ vegetables, fish, meat在沸水里煮;烹煮

Boil the potatoes for ten minutes.把土豆煮10分钟。

Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice.用开水煮鹰嘴豆, 再加入大蒜和柠檬汁。

to boil an egg煮个鸡蛋

She didn't know how to boil an egg.她都不知道怎么煮鸡蛋。

4.【物】+ liquid使沸腾
🄱 vi.
1.water +达到沸点;烧开

I stood waiting for the water to boil.我站着等水烧开。

Don't let the soup boil.汤别烧开。

The water's boiling.水开了。

2.kettle, pan, pot +(容器内的液体)烧开, 煮沸

Is the kettle boiling?壶烧开了没有?

The pot is boiling.锅开了。

Marianne put the kettle on to boil.玛丽安把一壶水放到炉上去烧开。

3.【烹】vegetables, fish, meat +在沸水中煮

I'd peel potatoes and put them on to boil.我要削几个土豆, 然后煮熟。

4.【物】liquid +沸腾
5.person +发怒;发火
to be boiling with angerorto be boiling with rage怒不可遏;狂怒

The ocean was boiling.海洋波涛汹涌。

The waters off Stanwell Park are boiling with yellowfin tuna.斯坦威尔公园外的水域里, 黄鳍金枪鱼翻腾跳跃。

Phrasal Verbsboil away,boil down,boil off,boil over,boil up
boil² /bɔɪl/ n.

He had a boil on his neck.他脖子上长了个疖子。

2.(state of boiling)沸腾;沸腾状态
on the boil沸腾着
off the boil停止沸腾
to come to the boil<英>to come to a boil<美>(reach boiling point)到沸点;开始沸腾
to bring to the boil<英>to bring to a boil<美>使沸腾;使达到沸点




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