单词 | act |
释义 | act¹ 1.(deed)行为;行动 Why did he commit this despicable act?他为什么做出这么一件卑鄙的事情? He was accused of 30 terrorist acts.他被指控参与30起恐怖行动。 a criminal act犯罪行为 Many of the demonstrators committed acts of civil disobedience.许多示威者作出了非暴力反抗的行为。 an act of kindness友善行为 They found comfort in small acts of kindness towards each other.他们在对彼此的友善行为中得到慰藉。 an act of sabotage蓄意破坏行为 My insurance excludes acts of sabotage and damage done by weapons of war.我购买的保险对于蓄意破坏和战争武器造成的损坏不予赔偿。 2.(action)行为;动作 Take a few seconds to clear your head and focus on the act of driving.用几秒钟理清思路, 专注于开车的动作。 3.【政】(law)(用于名称中时大写)法案, 法令, 条例 The act was passed by 63 votes to 37.该法案以63票赞成、37票反对通过。 a proposed animal welfare act动物权益法提案 See alsoAct of Parliament 4.(section of play)(戏剧等的)幕 Act II scene iii第二幕第三场 in the first act在第一幕 5.(performance)短节目;小节目 men in bikinis who do exotic acts with pythons几个身穿男式比基尼的男人在表演异国风情的耍蛇节目 a comedy act喜剧表演 a show consisting of songs and comedy acts歌曲喜剧节目 6.(group of performers)表演队;演出团体 one of the country's best hip-hop acts该国顶级嘻哈乐表演团体之一 7.(pretence)装模作样;装腔作势 His anger was real. It wasn't an act.他是真的生气了, 不是装的。 He's not really like that, that's just an act.他并不真是那个样子, 那只是装出来的。 George isn't half as stupid as he makes out. That's all an act.乔治可没他假装的那么傻, 他那是做给人看的。 8.[常用复](written record)官方正式记录 Ti was the first queen of Egypt to have her name appear on official acts alongside that of her husband.泰是第一个与丈夫的名字一起出现在官方正式记录中的埃及王后。 9.【哲】行为;主观能动 See alsoevent¹, 5 idiom ◆to catch sb in the act当场抓到某人 There are insufficient police to catch offenders in the act.没有足够的警力当场抓获违法者。 to catch sb in the act of doing sth当场抓到某人做某事 The men were caught in the act of digging up buried explosives.那些人在挖掘掩埋的爆炸物时被逮个正着。 ◆to clean up your act<非正式>改善行为;改过自新 The nation's advertisers need to clean up their act.该国的广告商需要规范自己的行为。 Hirst has cleaned up his act and lives in domestic tranquillity.赫斯特已经改过自新了, 过着平静的家庭生活。 ◆to get in on the act<非正式>参与;插手 Kodak, anxious to get in on the act, launched its own instant camera.柯达公司急于分一杯羹, 推出了自己品牌的拍立得相机。 ◆in the act of doing sth正在做某事 Ken was in the act of paying his bill when Neil arrived.尼尔到时, 肯正在付账。 He saw Jones in the act of snatching a gun.他看见琼斯一把抓起枪。 ◆to get your act together<非正式>全力以赴;集中精力 The Government should get its act together.政府应该全力以赴。 We have to get our act together and organize ourselves.我们必须把劲儿往一处使, 组织起来。 |
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