

单词 blow
释义 blow¹ /bləʊ/ n.
1.(with fist/weapon)(用拳头、武器等的)击, 打, 捶打

Who struck the fatal blow?谁给的致命一击?

a blow to the back of the head脑后的一击

Her father died from a blow to the back of the head.她父亲死于脑后重击。


It was a terrible blow when he was made redundant.他被解雇, 这对他来说是个沉重打击。

to be a blow to sth/sb对…是个打击

This is a further blow to hopes of peace.这对和平愿景又是一个打击。

It was a severe blow to our chances of surviving the recession without a loss of jobs.这对我们度过经济衰退期而不减少就业机会的可能性是个打击。

3.(attacking action)袭击;攻击
a blow for sth为…而战;捍卫…

a blow for freedom为自由而战

4.+of instrument吹奏(声);鸣响(声)
+of nose擤鼻子(声)

She handed me the trumpet so that I could have a blow.她把喇叭递给我, 让我吹了一下。

a blow of the referee's whistle裁判的哨声

a trumpet blow喇叭声

Give your nose a blow.擤擤你的鼻子吧。

5.(strong wind)强风;疾风;劲风

We had quite a blow last night. Some trees were brought down.昨天夜里的风可真大, 有些树都刮倒了。

6.(short walk)(尤指在刮风天的)遛弯;吹吹风;透透气

We walked around the block to get a blow.我们围着街区散步, 透了透气。

to go for a blow去吹吹风;去透透气;去呼吸一下新鲜空气

I decided to go for a blow along the seafront before lunch.我决定在午饭前沿着海边吹吹风。

7.【冶】(stage in the Bessemer process)(贝塞麦炼钢法中的)吹炼期
8.【冶】(quantity of metal)(贝塞麦转炉中)一次吹炼的钢材
9.【矿】(rush of air)(向矿井内的)吹风
10.【矿】(collapse of mine roof)矿井顶部塌方
11.【音】<俚>(jam session)(爵士乐)即兴演奏会
12.(of flowers)(花)开放, 绽放
to be in full blow盛开

The climbing rose outside the back door was in full blow.后门外的攀缘蔷薇花盛开了。

15.at one bloworat a blow一下子;一举

It would be wonderful if we could solve all our problems at one blow.我们要是能一下子解决所有问题就好了。

16.to come to blows动手打起架来;开始互殴

The representatives almost came to blows at a meeting.代表们差点在一次会议上动手打起来。

17.to soften the bloworto cushion the blow减轻打击

Programmes designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.旨在缓解失业打击的计划运行不畅。

18.to strike a blow for sth为…而奋斗;捍卫…

The team struck a blow for women's rights by winning the match.该队通过赢得比赛捍卫了女性权利。

blow² /bləʊ/(blows,blowing,blew,blown)
🄰 vi.
1.(be in motion)wind, gale +吹;刮

A gale was blowing.狂风大作。

A chill wind blew at the top of the hill.山顶上冷风飕飕。

2.(move through the air)dust, rain +被风吹动;被风刮;branches, tree +摇动

Rain blew into his face.雨随风打在他的脸上。

Sand blew in our eyes.沙吹进了我们的眼里。

The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind.灌木和树木在风中摇动。

3.person +吹气;呼气

Danny blew on his fingers to warm them.丹尼向手指哈气好让它们暖和起来。

Take a deep breath and blow.深吸一口气然后呼出。

She blew on her soup to cool it.她把汤吹凉。

4.(make a sound)trumpet, whistle +被吹响;鸣响

The whistle blew and the train moved forward.汽笛长鸣, 火车驶向前方。


The gas tank is going to blow any second.油箱随时会爆炸。

6.(burn out)fuse +烧断;烧坏;熔断

The fuse blew as he pressed the button.他一按开关, 保险丝就断了。

7.(burst)tyre +爆裂

The car tyre blew.汽车轮胎爆了。


I was blowing hard by the time I reached the top of the hill.我爬上山顶时已经上气不接下气了。

9.(spout)whale +喷水
10.(open out)flower +绽放;开放
12.(lay eggs)fly +产卵;下卵
🄱 vt.
1.(move by blowing)wind ++ sand, smoke, rain吹;刮

A gust of wind blew snow in her face.一阵狂风把雪吹打在她的脸上。

The wind blew her hair back from her forehead.风把她前额的头发吹向后面。

The smoke was being blown back into our faces.烟正被吹回到我们的脸上。

2.(make by blowing)吹制;吹成

He blew a ring of blue smoke.他吐了一个蓝烟圈。

The children were blowing bubbles.孩子们正在吹泡泡。

3.+ trumpet, horn, whistle吹响;吹奏

The referee blew his whistle.裁判吹响了哨子。

Horns were blown and trumpets were braying.号角吹响, 喇叭嘟嘟。

4.(clear mucus from)擤(鼻子)

He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose.他拿出一块手绢, 擤了擤鼻子。

5.(with explosives)使爆炸;(用炸药)炸开

There's enough explosive here to blow the place sky-high.这里有足够的炸药把这个地方炸上天。

The bomb blew a hole in the side of the building.炸弹把大楼的一侧炸开了一个洞。

to blow sth/sb to bits把某人/某物炸成碎片;把某人/某物炸得粉碎

Rival gangs blew the city to bits.对立帮派把城市炸得七零八碎。

He set off the bomb accidentally and blew himself to bits.他意外地引爆了炸弹, 把自己炸得粉身碎骨。

6.(cause to burn out)+ fuse使烧断;使烧坏;使熔断
7.(burst)+ tyre使爆裂

A lorry blew a tyre and careered into them.一辆卡车爆了胎, 向他们猛冲过来。

8.<非正式>(ruin)+ chance错过;浪费掉

I had probably blown my chance of getting the job.我很可能已经错过了得到这份工作的机会。

the high-risk world of real estate, where one careless word could blow a whole deal在一句话不小心就可能让整个交易泡汤的高风险的房地产界

you've blown it!你把事情搞砸了

It looks like you've blown it with Mary.看起来你已经跟玛丽闹掰了。

9.<非正式>(squander)+ money浪费;挥霍

My brother lent me some money and I blew the lot.哥哥借给我一些钱, 我全都挥霍了。

10.<美,非正式>(treat lavishly)款待;招待
to blow sb to sth用某物款待某人

They blew us to ringside seats at the big fight.他们把我们安排在这场重要拳击比赛的台边前排座位来款待我们。

11.(shape by blowing)+ glass吹制
12.(leave suddenly)突然离开;匆忙离去

When the scandal broke, they had to blow town.丑闻曝光, 他们不得不匆忙离城而去。

13.(reveal, expose)泄露;暴露

Once the plot was blown, the plotters tried to flee abroad.阴谋败露后, 策划者便试图逃往国外。

A traffic policeman inadvertently blew a secret MI5 operation.一名交警不经意地暴露了军情五处的一次秘密行动。

to blow sb's cover暴露某人的身份

Realizing her cover was blown, her handlers tried to get her out of the country.意识到她的身份已经暴露, 她的上司试图安排她离开这个国家。

14.<美>(inhale)+ drug吸食
16.(damn)去他的…, 让…见鬼去(语气较平和)

Blow the expense! If you want it, you can have it.别管费用!想要就拿吧。

Oh, blow it, I've brought the wrong key.哎呀, 真该死, 我拿错钥匙了。

17.to blow your brains out举枪击中头部自杀;击爆头部自杀

The young man blew his brains out because of a failed love affair.这个年轻人因为失恋而用枪击爆头部自杀。

18.to blow a fuse<俚>发脾气;大怒

He blows a fuse every time you mention that woman's name.你每次提到那个女人的名字, 他都大发雷霆。

19.to blow hot and cold犹豫不决;反复无常

The government keeps blowing hot and cold on green taxes.政府对是否征收环境税举棋不定。

She's still blowing hot and cold on whether to go with us.她对是否跟我们一起走仍犹豫不决。

20.to blow itself out
gale, storm +停息;平息;停止;减弱

The storm had blown itself out by the time we went to bed.我们上床睡觉时暴风雨已经停息了。

21.to blow sb a kiss向某人送去一个飞吻

She blew me an ironic kiss before darting off down the road.她在飞奔上路之前给了我一个讽刺性的飞吻。

22.blow me!orblow me down!orI'll be blowed!<非正式>我的天!;天哪!

Well, blow me if it isn't Johnny Taylor! How are you Johnny, I haven't seen you for years.哇!天呐, 那不是约翰尼·泰勒嘛!约翰尼, 你好吗?好几年没见了。

She said the answer was 53 and, blow me down, she was right!她说答案是53。天哪!她说得对!

I'll be blowed if I put up with that kind of treatment.我要能忍受那种待遇才怪呢。

23.to blow sb's mind<俚>drug +使某人产生幻觉

I read the book and it really blew my mind.我读了这本书, 它真的让我感到震惊。

24.to blow sth/sb off course
+ ship使偏离航线

The warship was blown off course by a gale.战舰被大风吹离了航线。

(divert sb from their aims)使偏离目标
person, party +偏离目标

We're not going to be blown off course by one result.我们不会因为一个结果而偏离目标。

The government seems to be being blown off course by chill financial winds from America.政府似乎正被来自美国的金融寒风吹离目标。

25.to blow your own trumpetorto blow your own horn自吹自擂

Hollywood cameramen have good reason to blow their own trumpets.好莱坞的摄影师们有资本自吹自擂。

26.to blow your toporto blow your stack<美,加拿大>to blow your lid<非正式>大发脾气;火冒三丈;勃然大怒

You know the old man will blow his top if he ever finds out.你知道老爸要是知道真相就会火冒三丈的。

I guess I blew my stack and ought to apologize.我想, 我发脾气了, 应该道歉。

Phrasal Verbsblow away,blow down,blow in,blow into,blow off,blow on,blow out,blow over,blow through,blow up




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