

单词 blessed
释义 blessed¹ /ˈblesɪd; blest/ adj.
1.(divinely favoured)上帝保佑的;上帝赐福的;有福的

I feel truly blessed to have such wonderful friends.我有这么好的朋友真够福气。

When such a thing happens to you, you know you are blessed.你碰上这样的事时, 就知道自己是受上帝保佑的。


Blessed oil is often used in the ministry of healing.圣油常为牧师给人治病用。

3.【史】(used as title of beatified person)神圣的, 尊敬的(天主教用语, 用于已受教皇宣福礼的已故圣徒名字前)

Blessed Margaret Pole神圣的玛格丽特·波尔

4.(happy)+ relief, release令人愉快的;令人欣慰的
blessed freedom令人快乐的自由

This has been a blessed time for us.这是我们非常愉快的一段时光。

The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly blessed event.一个健康活泼的宝宝的诞生真是欢天喜地的事。

5.<非正式>(expressing annoyance)该死的, 讨厌的, 倒霉的(表示有点烦恼或生气)

Never mind me, boy; we have to get that blessed hatch open.不用为我担心, 哥们, 我们一定得把那个该死的舱口打开。

No-one here knows a blessed thing.这里的人什么都不知道。

blessed² /ˈblesɪd; blest/ npl.
the blessed【宗】(基督教用语)在天堂享福的人, 在天之灵




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