

单词 blaze
释义 blaze¹ /bleɪz/ n.

a blaze which swept through a tower block席卷一幢高层建筑的一场大火

The family died in the blaze.那一家人死于那场大火。

2.(flames)+of fire, sun耀眼的强光;光辉;灿烂
to be a blaze of colour色彩绚烂

The flower beds were a blaze of colour.花坛都是五彩缤纷。

3.(in hearth)(壁炉里)热情的火焰

He stirred the sleeping embers into a cheerful blaze.他拨动渐歇的余火, 使它升起欢快的火焰。

in a blaze of sth在极其···之时

He was arrested in a blaze of publicity.他在声名显赫之时被逮捕。

end, retire +在一片赞扬声中做某事;带着极大的荣耀做某事

the sporting career that began in a blaze of glory以辉煌成绩开始的运动生涯

5.(on tree)记号, 标记(通常刻在树干上用以指路)
6.(on animal)(马等家畜脸上的)白斑, 浅色斑痕
blaze² /bleɪz/
🄰 vi.
1.(burn)fire, building +熊熊燃烧

The fire was still blazing, lighting up the sky.大火还在熊熊燃烧, 照得天空通亮。

2.(shine)fire +熊熊燃烧

The log fire was blazing merrily.烧木柴的炉火在欢快地燃烧着。

3.(with anger)eyes +闪闪发亮;燃烧

She turned and faced him, her eyes blazing.她转身面对着他, 两眼闪闪发亮。

He got to his feet and his dark eyes were blazing with anger.他站起来, 两只黑眼睛充满怒火。

4.(be intense in light or colour)发强光;闪耀
garden +五彩缤纷;鲜艳夺目

The gardens blazed with colour.花园都是万紫千红。

5.gun +连续射击;疯狂扫射

The armoured infantry-carriers followed, guns blazing.装甲步兵车跟在后面, 不停地开枪扫射。

🄱 vt.
1.(indicate with blaze)在(树皮、小路等)上刻记号(指路)
to blaze a trail
(show the way)带头;起先导作用;开拓新领域;开辟新路

These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims.这些外科医生在炸弹受害者的治疗方面开创了新途径。

Phrasal Verbsblaze abroad,blaze away,blaze down,blaze forth,blaze out,blaze up




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