

单词 you name it
1.(give a name to)+ baby, animal, ship给…取名;为…命名

Have they named the baby yet?他们给宝宝取名了吗?

I name this ship 'Ark Royal'.我把这艘船命名为“皇家方舟”号。

person, thing +以…的名字命名的;与…取同样的名字的

The ship is named after his wife.那艘船以他妻子的名字命名。

2.(identify by name)+ victim, suspect确定…的名字;说出…的名字

The Minister has not been named.还没有指名道姓说是哪位部长。

The victim was named as John Smith.遇难者姓名确定为约翰•史密斯。

3.(fix)+ price, date, place决定;确定;明确

We must name a date for the talks to begin.我们必须敲定会谈开始的日期。

Name the place, we'll be there.定下地方, 我们会去的。

4.(nominate)+ captain, chairman提名;指定;任命

The England manager will be naming a new captain.英格兰队主教练将会指定一位新队长。

He was named as the new chairman.他被提名为新任主席。

5.+ MP点…的名将其驱逐出下议院(作为对其扰乱秩序的惩戒)
6.to name and shame sb
(identify and humiliate)(报纸、官方机构等)将某人的名字曝光, 点名批评某人

The government will name and shame the worst-performing airlines.政府将会把业绩最差的航空公司曝光。

7.to name names
(identify wrongdoers)指名道姓;说出(做错事者的)名字

Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险真的去指认别人。

8.you name it
(after or before list)凡是你说得出的, 凡是你想得到的(应有尽有)

Pickled cucumbers, jam, pickled berries, tomatoes; you name it, they've got it.腌黄瓜、果酱、腌浆果、西红柿;凡是你能想到的, 他们都有。

See name




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