

单词 yield
释义 yield¹ /jiːld/ n.
1.【农】+of crop, milk产量;产出

Polluted water lessens crop yields.水污染导致农作物减产。

Hormones and antibiotics are fed to cows to stimulate greater milk yields.人们给母牛喂食激素和抗生素以提高牛奶产量。

2.【金融】+of investment, tax收益;利润

the yield on a bank's investments银行投资带来的收益

3.【金融】(annual income)(投资带来的)年收益, 年收入

A yield of 7 per cent is expected from the shares.这些股票的年收益预期为7%。

4.+of nuclear weapon(TNT)当量
5.【化】(反应或系列反应中某物的)量, 数量
yield² /jiːld/ interj.
yield³ /jiːld/
🄰 vt.
1.【农】+ crop出产;+ fruit

The vineyard yields 200 tonnes of grapes annually.这座葡萄园年产葡萄200吨。


Talks between the two sides yielded no results.双方会谈没有产生任何结果。

His trip to Melbourne had yielded a lot of information.他的墨尔本之行收获颇丰。

3.【金融】+ profit产生;带来

It yielded a profit of at least $36 million.它至少带来了3,600万美元的利润。


He will not yield even a limited measure of editorial control.在对编务工作的管控上, 他不会做出哪怕是一丁点的让步。

The President is now under pressure to yield power to the republics.总统现在面临着让权给各个共和国的压力。

5.(concede)+ precedence准许;容许
to yield right of way准予通行
🄱 vi.
1.(give in)屈服;屈从;让步
if the government does not yield如果政府不让步
to yield to sth屈从某事物;屈服于某事物

Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire?逼她退隐的压力越来越大, 她承受得住吗?

I yielded to an impulse.我没有忍住冲动。

to yield to temptation经不起诱惑
2.【汽车】<美>traffic +让路;让行
to yield to sb/sth给某人/某物让路

You must yield to traffic on the main road.你必须给主路车辆让行。

3.ideas, customs +崩溃;失败

All theories eventually yield in the face of the very data they generate.面对它们自己所生成的数据, 这些理论最终崩溃了。

to yield to sth被某物取代

Traditional brick was slow to yield to modern glass.现代玻璃建筑并没有很快取代传统砖石建筑。

4.door, lock +打开;移位

He pushed the massive door. It yielded.他推了推那扇巨大的门。门开了。

to yield to force因强力而打开或移位
to yield up the ghost死亡
Phrasal Verbyield up




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