

单词 wreathe
释义 wreathe /riːð/
🄰 vt.

Its huge columns were wreathed with laurel and magnolia.其巨大的立柱上环绕着月桂和木兰。

2.to be wreathed in sth<文>+ mist, fog, cloud被…笼罩;被…环绕

a valley wreathed in mist薄雾缭绕的山谷

hills wreathed in cloud云雾萦绕的群山

3.to be wreathed in sth
(to have a quality)使充满某事物

Her utterances were wreathed in hidden significance interpreted according to what the listener wished to hear.她的话语充满了隐含意义, 可按照听者希望听到的来解读。

She was wreathed in mystery.她很神秘。

4.(cause to move in twisting way)使蜿蜒前行;使盘旋
🄱 vi.
1.smoke +盘旋;缭绕

Smoke wreathed upwards from the chimneys.烟从烟囱中袅袅上升。

2.to be wreathed in smiles笑容满面

His face was wreathed in smiles.他满脸堆着笑。





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