

单词 work out
释义 work out
🄰 vt. sep.
1.(find an answer to)to work sth out or to work out sth
+ problem解决;找到…的答案

It took me some time to work out what was causing this.我花了一些时间才弄清此事的起因。

How will you contact me?—We haven't worked that out yet.你们怎么跟我联系?——我们还没想好。

+ mystery, code破解(谜团、密码等)
+ puzzle解出(字谜等)
2.(come up with)to work sth out or to work out sth
+ compromise, solution, method(通过思考或讨论)找到(解决办法等)

We need to work out a solution to this problem.我们需要想出这个问题的解决办法。

+ plan, system拿出(计划);建立(体系)

Work out a plan to improve your performance in each of your low-scoring areas.制订出计划, 提高每一个低分项的成绩。

3.(calculate)to work sth out or to work out sth
+ answer计算出;解出

It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms' assets.估算破产公司的资产价值其实很困难。

4.(understand)to work sth/sb out or to work out sth/sb理解, 弄清(本质);摸清, 探知(某人的秉性)

I just couldn't work it out.我就是弄不明白这件事。

I'm still trying to work her out.我仍然在想方设法摸清她的脾气。

I can't work out why …我不理解为什么…

5.(remove material from)to work sth out or to work out sth
+ mine, seam把…开采完毕
to be worked out被采掘完
🄱 vi.
1.(add up)(被)计算出

It didn't exactly work out to be a bargain.严格算下来这并不合算。

to work out at sth计算下来为…

It works out at £10 each.算下来每个10英镑。

to work out cheaper算下来便宜些
2.(be successful or satisfactory)plans +成功;有效;relationship +令人满意

In the end it worked out really well.结果收效甚佳。

I hope it will work out well.我希望进展顺利。

One of the ways people experience loss is when relationships don't work out.人们会感受到种种失落感, 恋情没有结果时的失落感便是其中之一。

3.(happen as specified)(按预期)发展, 发生

The deal just isn't working out the way we were promised.结果待遇根本不是他们对我们许诺的那样。

Things just didn't work out as planned.事情根本没有按计划进行。

4.(exercise)person +锻炼;健身

I work out twice a week.我每周健身两次。





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