

单词 wonder
释义 wonder¹ /ˈwʌndə/ n.
1.(marvellous person or thing)奇人;奇事;奇迹;奇观

the wonder of seeing his name in print他的名字出现在出版物上的奇事

to be a wonder of sth是…的一个奇迹

The new facility is a wonder of functional architecture.这个新设施是功能建筑中的一个奇迹。

the wonders of sth…的奇迹

the wonders of modern technology现代技术的奇迹

the seven wonders of the world世界七大奇迹
the eighth wonder of the world世界第八大奇迹;极其稀罕的东西

I shall never forget the look of wonder on her face.我永远也忘不了她脸上惊讶的表情。

in wonder惊奇地;惊异地;惊讶地

'That's right!' Bobby exclaimed in wonder. 'How did you remember that?'“对呀!”博比惊奇地叫道, “你怎么会记得那件事的?”

3.(surprising thing)令人惊奇(或惊讶)的事
it's a wonder that …orthe wonder is that …令人惊奇的是…

It's a wonder that he wasn't seriously hurt.神奇的是他伤得并不重。

4.for a wonder说来也怪;令人惊讶地;意想不到地

He did not move, and for a wonder, nor did she.他没有动, 出人意料的是, 她也没有。

5.a nine-day wonderora one-day wonder昙花一现的人(或事物)
6.no wonder怪不得;难怪

Brad was Jane's brother! No wonder he reminded me so much of her!布拉德是简的兄弟!怪不得他老是让我想起她。

7.no wonder that …orlittle wonder that …orsmall wonder that … …不足为奇;怪不得…;难怪…

No wonder my brother wasn't feeling well.怪不得我弟弟感到身体不舒服了。

Small wonder that they feel betrayed.难怪他们觉得被出卖了。

8.to work wondersorto do wonders创造奇迹;产生奇效

A few moments of relaxation can work wonders.放松片刻就能收到奇效。

wonder² /ˈwʌndə/ comp.

the search for a wonder cure对灵丹妙药的寻求

wonder³ /ˈwʌndə/
🄰 vi.
to make sb wonder使某人纳闷

It wasn't hard evidence but it made me wonder.那不是确凿的证据, 但让我感到纳闷。

to wonder about sb/sth对…感到纳闷;想弄明白…事

They wondered about his motives.他们想弄清他的动机。

2.(be amazed)(对某事物)感到惊奇, 惊叹

In the face of such amazing talent, we could only stand and wonder.在如此惊人的天赋面前, 我们只有站在那儿惊叹的份儿。

(in surprise)对…感到惊奇;对…感到诧异
(in admiration)惊叹于…;对…赞叹不已
🄱 vt.
1.(ask yourself)自问;自忖

'Why does she want to get in there?' Pete wondered.“她为什么想到那里面去?”皮特自忖道。

to wonder why …心想为什么…

I wonder why she said that.我心想她为什么这么说。

to wonder what …想知道…

I wonder what that means.我想知道那是什么意思。

I wondered what that noise was.我纳闷那是什么响声。

to wonder where …想弄明白哪里…

I wonder where Caroline is.我想知道卡罗琳在哪里。

to wonder whetherorto wonder if …寻思是否…
2.to wonder that …
(be amazed that)对…感到惊奇

We all wonder that you're still alive.我们都很惊讶你居然还活着。

3.I wonder不知, 请问(表示很礼貌地请别人做某事, 征求某人的意见或向某人问讯)

I wonder if you could help me.不知你是否可以帮我一下?





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